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房地产开发论文 题目 房地产经营与开发 专业:工程管理 姓名: 摘要 随着我国房地产行业的飞速发展,同时各形各色的附着行业也应运而生,犹如雨后春笋,蓬勃发展。房地产估价行业是随着我国房地产行业的兴起而产生的,伴随着土地的价值与日俱增,则需要一个行业去评估其土地真正的价值,在这个契机下,房地产估价行业也与之水涨船高,逐步快速发展起来。当然它带动经济发展的同时,许多问题也相应出现。 本篇论文针对我国估价行业,简略的讲述了土地估价的目的和意义,土地估价行业存在的问题,从而以德州市华鲁三号工业用地估价为例,编写了其估价报告。在估价报告中,根据估价对象的实际情况和其他相关影响因素,主要采用基准地价修正系数法,成本逼近法来对估价对象进行测算评估,其估价结果是根据委估对象的影响因素分析,利用加权平均最终确定其最终价值。最后,针对估价行业存在的问题,提出了自己认为的可行性建议。 关键字:工业用地;基准地价修正系数法;成本法 Abstract Summary with the rapid development of Chinas real estate industry, and various assorted attachments industry also came into being, as have mushroomed, flourish. Real estate appraisal industry is arising with the rise of the real estate industry in China, accompanied by increasing the value of the land, you need an industry to assess the real value of its land, under the this opportunity, also rises with the real estate appraisal industry gradually developed quickly. While it certainly promote economic development, many issues also appear. This paper is intended for valuation industry of China, briefly describe the purpose and meaning of land valuation, land valuation problems in the industry, contributing in dezhou city Shandong China third, land valuation, for example, has prepared its valuation report. In the valuation report, according to the valuation of actual objects and other related factors, mainly uses the Datum land price correction factor method, cost approach to valuation objects to be appraised and its valuation is based on the Commission to assess the results analysis of influence factors of the object, using weighted average finalized its final value. Finally, for the problems of valuation industry, presented her view that the feasibility of recommendations. Keywords: industrial land ;Reference land price correction coefficient method;zhe method of cost 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 绪论 2 1.1土地估价的目的 2 1.2本文研究的意义 2 第2章 我国现阶段土地估价行业发展现状 4 2.1 总述 4 2.2 房地产估价行业存在的问题


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