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雷阵 雷阵 项目介绍 参与者在有限的时间内和特定的规则下,通过一块画有方格的区域。项目目标: 理解如何打破思维定式,有效地解决问题; 增强成本观念,特别是时间成本和沟通成本; 理解风险和机遇的关系; 理解如何有针对性的倾听; 学习如何通过反馈来积累经验; 学习如何掌控过程、进展和结果; 学习如何有效地利用资源 Mine Field Brief Introduction All the members pass a field, which is made up by boxes and drawn on the ground under certain rules in limited time. Objectives Understand how to break into the thinking habit and solve problems creatively; Foster the cost concept; Understand the relationship of risk and opportunity; Learn to be good at focused listening; Learn to accumulate experience by feedback; Understand to monitors process, progress and results; Learn to use resource effectively and efficiently 盲人绳房 盲人绳房 项目介绍: 被蒙上眼睛后, 12名学员被分配了一捆绳索, 不知道有几根, 中间还有很多无名结, 必须在最短时间内将这些绳子理清, 摆成方形、三角形和圆形,之后再按要求组合成一个大图形。 项目目标: 有效沟通:在非常状态下,学会如何跟团队中的每个人进行沟通,以达到团队的整体目标。 没有完美的个人,但是却有完美的组织:团队领导与决策的力量是无穷的。 个人/部门利益如何服从团队利益以促进目标的达成; 学习如何在团队建立一种合作的气氛. Blind house-outline Brief introduction The team tries to figure out a simple pattern of house by ropes blindly. Objectives Effective communication: learnt to communicate with every one in the team to reach the team’s goal in the uncommon case. No perfect individual but perfect team. The part should obey the whole. Learn to foster a cooperation atmosphere in the team. 盲阵 盲阵 项目介绍: 参与者预先戴上眼罩,在规定的时间内用绳子围成一个最大的正方形,所有人平均分布在正方形的各边。 培训目标: 学习有针对性地倾听; 学习如何准确地确定完成工作必须的流程;理解如何清晰地界定目标和评估方法; 学习如何以开放的心态对待建议和实验; 学习发现共同的基点,并用最少的磨合达成合作; 理解冲突产生的原因、过程和后果; 提高团队决策能力。 Blind Square Brief introduction The team tries to figure out a largest square by ropes blindly, and all the participants stand on the each side equally. Objectives Learn to be good at focused listening; Learn to be good at figuring out the process necessary to get things done; Understand how to set clear objectives and measures. Learn to be open to suggestions and experimentations. Learn to find common ground and get cooperation with minimum noise. Understand the cause, process and consequence of conflicts; Enhance team decision ma


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