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目 录 摘 要: 1 Abstract: 1 一、引 言 2 二、人民币升值压力的来源 4 (一)中国国力的发展促进人民币升值 5 (二)中国贸易顺差的不断增大产生巨额外币储备 5 (三)美国利用国际货币中心国地位转移本国风险 6 (四)美国次信贷危机促进人民币升值 7 三、人民币升值的利弊分析 8 (一)不利方面 8 (二)有利方面 9 四、相关结论的实证研究 10 (一)人民币升值原因的实证分析 10 (二)人民币升值和我国产品出口的实证分析 14 (三)对于我国外汇储备缩水的实证研究 15 (四)人民币升值对外商投资影响的实证分析 17 五、对人民币升值幅度的分析 19 六、主要结论及建议 23 (一)主要结论: 23 (二)政策建议: 24 参考文献 25 探析金融危机下的人民币升值和应对策略 摘 要:人民币升值是困扰我国经济发展的重要问题。外向型经济增长模式和固定汇率的选择,使我国形成了巨大的外汇储备,但是为了经济的增长和国民财富的保值,我国一直抑制币值上涨速度,并形成了人民币升值压力。经济危机席卷全球,加剧了这一压力。本文利用相关分析方法,确定了影响人民币升值的因素,以及人民币币值升值将对我国经济不同方面产生的影响。之后进一步使用回归分析方法,量化的分析了汇率变动对经济影响的大小。与此同时,本文构造了外汇缩水的计算公式,人民币升值幅度兑美元计算公式,以及综合的人民币升值幅度计算公式,量化的对升值幅度和外汇缩水这两个问题进行了研究。最终本文认为:在目前目前我国加速人民币的升值是有利的。 关键词:人民币 升值 利弊 升值幅度 Abstract: The increase in value of RMB is one of the most serious problems which handicap the development of Chinese economy. The choosing of export-oriented economic development mold and Fixed Exchange Rate System make a grate foreign exchange reserves. But to make the development of economy and protect the foreign exchange reserves Chinese government restrain the increase program. And it makes a grate stress of increase in value of RMB. Recently American financial crisis reinforce the stress. This article used the correlation analysis method to determine the influence currency value revaluation factor as well as the RMB currency value revaluation to our country economy different angles influence. Further more writer make a quantification analysis of the exchange rate change the size, used the regression analysis method, which had an effect in the economy. Simultaneously this article has constructed the foreign exchange shrinkage formula and the RMB revaluation scope exchanges US dollar and the synthesis formula, the quantification shrinks these two questions to the revaluation scope and the foreign exchange to conduct the research. Final this article thought that the present our country accelerates the RMB the revaluation is the most superior strategy. Key word: RMB ,appreciation advanta


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