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哈尔滨商业大学德强商务学院 毕业论文(设计)  毕业论文 北京热力集团热源分公司       题  目 财务风险管理研究       指导教师       学生姓名 侯 雪 二O一三 年 四 月 十八 日 北京热力集团热源分公司财务风险管理研究 摘 要 市场经济的确立,伴随着风险的出现,要求企业经营决策不仅要考虑到经济、收益性,而且要考虑风险性,企业风险管理问题由此产生。北京热力集团每年都进行投资管网的建设及扩大造成了不少资源的浪费以及供热价格逐年上升、供热体制的改革使企业经营亏损比较严重从而造成了管理问题的产生。文章主要对财务风险和风险管理问题进行研究。通过分析法和文献研究法对公司所产生的问题进行分析。因此,如何管理研究全面财务风险对于北京热力集团热源分公司来说就是一个待迫切解决的问题。目前,理论上对于研究财务风险管理处于初级阶段,尚不够完善和缺乏对整体的研究。因此要客观地对待公司所存在的问题,在公司的发展中发现问题就要努力的解决,用真实有效的财务方法来解决财务问题,以达到最优的效果。 关键词:财务风险;财务风险管理;筹资 Study On The Thermal Heat Source Branch Of The Groups Financial Risk Management In Beijing Abstract The establishment of market economy, with the advent of risk, requiring companies management decisions take into account not only economic, profitability, and to consider risk, enterprise risk management issues. Beijing thermal group every year to invest in construction of pipe network and expanding caused a lot of waste of resources and heating prices rise year by year, the heating system reform, make the enterprise operating losses resulting in a major management problem. The paper mainly studies the problems of the financial risk and risk management. Through the analysis and literature research analysis of the problems generated by the company. Therefore, how to comprehensive financial risk management research for heat source, thermal group in Beijing branch is an urgent problem. At present, the theory for the study of financial risk management at the primary stage, it is not perfect and the lack of the overall research. We should treat objectively to existing problems in the company, found problems in the development of the company is trying to solve, with real and effective financial solutions to financial problems, in order to achieve the optimal effect. Key words: financial risk; financial risk management; financing 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 I 1 绪 论 1 1.1 研究目的和意义 1 1.1.1 研究目的 1 1.1.2 研究意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.2.1 国内研


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