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第 33 卷 第 18 期 2009 年 10 月 文章编号:1000-3673(2009)18-0057-06 电网技术 Power System Technology 中图分类号:TM715 文献标志码:A Vol. 33 No. 18 Oct. 2009 学科代码:470·4051 改进多目标蚁群算法在电网规划中的应用 符杨 1,孟令合 2,胡荣 1,曹家麟 1 (1.上海电力学院 电力工程系,上海市 杨浦区 200090; 2.上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院,上海市 闸北区 200072) Application of Improved Multi-Objective Ant Colony Algorithm in Power Network Planning FU Yang1,MENG Ling-he2,HU Rong1,CAO Jia-lin1 (1.Department of Electrical Engineering,Shanghai University of Electric Power,Yangpu District,Shanghai 200090,China; 2.School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation,Shanghai University,Zhabei District,Shanghai 200072,China) ABSTRACT: For the reason that both economy and reliability should be considered during power network planning, an improved multi-objective ant colony algorithm (IMACA) is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the modified quick sort method is adopted to construct Pareto optimal solution set, thus the slow-chain is shortened and the time complexity of this algorithm is mitigated; the clustering algorithm is adopted to modify non-dominated solution, thus the obtained solution can possess good diversity and distributivity in whole Pareto solution space; the sociohormone is adopted to update variable parameter control, thus the global convergence is speeded up; the sociohormone volatilization coefficient is used to dynamic adaptive regulation mechanism, thus the global search ability of the proposed algorithm is improved. The calculation results of an 18-bus power network planning show that more Pareto optimal solutions can be obtained by the proposed algorithm than by basic multi-objective ant colony algorithm, and the Pareto frontier distribution is more uniform, meanwhile, the convergence and rapidity are improved. KEY WORDS: multi-objective ant colony algorithm ; clustering analysis;Pareto optimal;power network planning 摘要:针对电网规划需综合考虑经济性和可靠性的问题,提 出一种改进的多目标蚁群算法。该算法采用改进的快速排序 方法构造 Pareto 最优解集,缩短了“慢速链”,降低了算法 的时间复杂度;采用聚类算法裁剪非支配解,使所得解在整 个 Pareto 解空间具有良好的多样性和分布性;采用信


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