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Unit 1 1.what kind of music do most people prefer,slow or fast music?can you guess why? Its hard to a difinite conclusion.. it depends. I think this has something to do with peoples moods and personalities. A person in high spirits often enjoys quick-tempo music. When one feels blue,the choice is more likely to be slow, sad music to fit that mook. It semms to me that race may also play a role inour choice of music. Asians, like Chinese , Japanese and Koreans often enjoy melodies. The famous Liang Zhu:, or te romance of the butterfly, is a case in point. When we move westward, to India and Europe, for example, we can easily observe th e difference, for the musical rhythm there suddenly accelerates, and the music becomes more lively and upbeat. 2.what kind ofmusic do yu prefer, classical music or pop music? personally, i prefer pop music, though i have no ovjection to classical music. classical mucic composed by such great musicians as Beethoven and Mozart is indeed brilliant, but few people can really appreciateit , let alone play or sing it. pop music is defferent. as the name suggests, it is popular with all people. we can easily understand pop songs. whats more anyone can sing pop songs without much difficulty sice they require little professional training. thus, the distance between the singer on the stage and the audience narrow. from time to time, the singer walks down to shake hands with fand, while the latter often sing along with their idols.就我个人而言,我更喜 3. do you thin music can affect peoples lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency? Generally speaking, i think so. at least this is true of most people. mothers tend to hum a soothing lullaby instead of a military march to their babies. at a sports meeting ,the music is often fast and vigorous. seldom is a painfully slow serenade played. with reapect to the issue of effciency, Im afraid it is rather controversial. quite a few students prefer to listen to a walk


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