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本科毕业论文 题 目 我国企业跨国并购的风险及规避 系 财经 专 业 会计学 班 级 049062 学 号 学生姓名 毛咏梅 指导教师 赵红莉 完成日期 2008年5月 诚 信 承 诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《我国企业跨国并购的风险及规避》均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 近年来,我国国内企业出现了并购外国企业的高潮。借助跨国并购,我国企业可以迅速走进国际市场,参与全球市场的资源配置,获取较大的经济贸易利益。但是跨国并购面临的风险也是巨大的,而且由于我国部分企业国际投资经验匮乏,并购成功率并不高。本文通过对跨国并购理论的阐述,首先引出了跨国并购的动机及其中可能存在的风险;然后介绍我国企业跨国并购面临的风险,根据实际情况, 分析了国内外企业参与跨国并购有特殊的必要性和可行性,介绍了企业跨国并购的情况,特别是我国跨国并购的情况;按照两种不同方法对企业跨国并购中可能存在的风险进行分类,并重点分析了我国企业跨国并购中的主要风险;最后分析跨国并购中的遇到风险所采取的风险规避措施以及分别针对跨国并购中的法律风险、财务风险、信息不对称风险以及文化整合风险提出了可行的规避措施。 关键词:跨国并购 风险 风险规避 财务风险 Abstract In recent years, Chinas domestic enterprises in the acquisition of the upsurge in foreignenterprises. With cross-border mergers and acquisitions, Chinas enterprises can quicklyenterthe international market, participation in the global market allocation of resources,greater access to economic and trade interests. But facing the risk of cross-border M A is also great, but because of Chinas enterprises lack experience in international investment, mergers and acquisitions success rate was not high. Based on the theory on cross-border mergers and acquisitions, first brought out the motive and transnational mergers and acquisitions in the possible risks and introduce Chinas enterprises facing the risk of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, according to the actual situation of domestic and foreign enterprises to participate in transnational mergers and acquisitions have a special need And the feasibility of introducing a cross-border mergers and acquisitions of enterprises, in particular, mergers and acquisitions in China over the situation in accordance with the two different methods of cross-border M enterprises may exist in the risk classification, and focused on the analysis of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in Chinas enterprises the main risk The last


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