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本科毕业论文开题报告表 学生姓名 李珊珊 院、系 英语学院 专业 (方向) 英语(教育) 班级 1002 学号 2102100229 指导 教师 姓名 张兰 职称 讲师 开 题 报 告 内 容 开 题 报 告 内 容 题目(中、外文): A Study on English Cultural Teaching and Its Solutions in Middle School —A Case Study of the NO.98 Middle School 初中英语文化教学存在的问题与对策研究 —以第九十八中学为例 经济信息网络化的英语作为一门国际通用语言,着越来越作用英语初中阶段是学生学习英语的重要时期教育中,学生和老师都只重视语言技能的学习,而忽略文化教学分析存在Byram, M. and Grundy, P. Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning. 2002. [2] Dogancay-Aktuna, S. Intercultural Communication in English Language Teacher Education. ELT Journal, 2005, 59(2): 99-107. [3] Fleet, M. The Role of Culture in Second or Foreign Language Teaching: Moving Beyond the Classroom Experience. Online Submission, 2006. [4] Genc , B. and Bada, E. “Culture in language learning and teaching”. The Reading Matrix, 2005, 5 (1). [5] Kodotchigova, M .A. Role play in teaching culture: Six quick steps for classroom implementation. The Internet TESL Journal, 2002, 8(7). [6] Pohl, G. “Cross-cultural pragmatic failure and implications for language teaching”. Second Language Learning Teaching, 2004, 4(2): 91-112. [7] 戴焱.《初中英语文化的研究英语文化的意义教育, 2012. [9] 李若薇.“高校英语专业文学教学中存在的问题及对策研究大学学报, 2009, 11(5): 87-89. [10] 邱宏伟.《初中英语文化教学的现状及策略研究英语教学存在的问题及对策研究的文献综述~2010”.《基础教育》, 2010. [12] 杨小林.“初中英语文化教学.《读与写杂志》, 2012, 9(9): 105. 指导教师意见 指导教师: 年 月 日 开题报告小组意见 组长: 年 月 日 本科毕业论文开题报告表之附页1: 拟研究的内容、思路与重点(英文): Content: A Study on English Cultural Teaching and Its Solutions in Middle School —Taking the NO.98 Middle School as an Example Cultural teaching has become more important in current junior English education. With the ongoing of curriculum reform, problem and corresponding solutions have been proposed. This paper studies the junior English cultural teaching with a combination of various analytical methods. The current situation of cultural teaching ha


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