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目 录 1 引 言 1 1.1课程设计背景 1 1.2可编程逻辑器件的应用 4 1.3可编程逻辑器件的发展方向 5 1.4 EL-ARM-820型教学实验系统介绍 6 2 理论基础 9 2.1 FPGA/CPLD概述 9 2.2 VHDL语言概述 11 2.3 Max Plus II概述 13 3 汽车尾灯控制器详细设计 16 3.1设计方案 16 3.2设计思路 18 3.3模块设计 18 4汽车尾灯控制器的仿真 24 4.1控制模块的仿真 24 4.2检查模块的仿真 24 4.3刹车模块的仿真 25 4.4左转模块的仿真 25 4.5右转模块的仿真 26 5 小 结 27 参考文献 28 附录:设计源程序清单 29 汽车尾灯控制电路的PLD实现 摘 要 本课题主要是基于可编程逻辑器件,使用硬件描述语言VHDL,采用“自顶向下”的设计方法,Max Plus II软件仿真结果。本文首先介绍了可编程逻辑器件的发展过程,然后对于编写汽车尾灯控制器相关的理论知识作了说明,接着主要讲解了汽车尾灯控制器的设计思路与模块划分。把汽车尾灯控制器划分为五大模块,组合起来实现了汽车尾灯的检查功能,刹车功能,左转功能,右转功能,总体控制等五项基本功能。最后,使用Max Plus II仿真软件对每个模块和主程序分别进行了结果仿真,并对仿真出来的结果作了分析,实验中采用EL-ARM-820型教学实验系统。 关键词 可编程逻辑器件;数字逻辑系统;硬件描述语言;汽车尾灯 The Accomplishment of Automobile Taillight PLD Control Circuit Abstract: This topic mainly is according to Programmable Logic Device, the usage hardware description language VHDL, the design method of the adoption from top to bottom, write a chip of auto taillight controlled, and use the Max Plus II software to imitate a true result. This text introduced the development process of the programmable logic device first, then for related theories knowledge of the auto taillight controller to make elucidation, mainly explained in detail the design way of thinking and the mold piece of the auto taillight controller to divide the line. Divide the line the auto taillight controller as the five greatest molds piece, set the examine that put together to carry out a auto taillight, brake function, left move function, right move function, collectivity control function. At last, used the Max Plus II software to be respectively carry on imitate to each mold piece and the main procedure really, and made analysis towards imitate truly result, experiments with EL-ARM-820 type teaching system. Key words: PLD; Digital Logic System; VHDL; Automobile Taillight 1 引 言 当今社会是数字化的社会,也是数字集成电路广泛应用的社会,数字电路本身在不断地进行更新换代。它由早期的电子管、晶体管、小中规模集成电路发展到超大规模集成电路(VLSIC)(ASIC)ASIC的设计周期尽可能的短,最好是在实验室里就能设计出合适的ASIC芯片,并且立即投入实际应用之中,因而出现了现场可编程逻辑器件(FPLD)(FPGA)(CPLD)X


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