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本 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Design Of Automobile Tyres Static Pressurization Deformed Test Installation Candidate :Wang YunSheng Specialty :Vehicle Engineering Class :B05-17 Supervisor:Professor Qi Xiaojie Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2009-06·Harbin 摘  要 轮胎是汽车行驶系统中的重要部件,通过轮胎与地面直接接触,在道路上行驶。其主要作用是:支撑汽车的整车总质量,与汽车悬架共同吸收和缓和汽车行驶时所受到的冲击和振动,以保证汽车具有良好的乘坐舒适性和行驶平顺性保证轮胎与路面的良好附着而不致打滑,使汽车行驶平稳。 本次汽车轮胎静态加载变形测试装置设计主要偏重于对其液压加载系统的设计,另外分别辅之进行台架材料的选择与计算校核、传动半轴选择计算、实验台与轮胎轮辋连接部分的设计、台架与加载液压缸的固定等并产生具有实践意义的选型总结;然后进行汽车轮胎静态加载变形测试装置的总体布置,用总布置草图表达主要加载机构的设计和重要工作装置的布置;最后通过正确的计算,完成部件设计选型,达到工艺合理、小批量加工容易、成本低、可靠性高的设计要求,并附之以总装配图,清楚表达设计。 关键词:汽车轮胎;轮胎试验;静态加载;液压系统;加载装置 ABSTRACT The tyres are the important parts of automobile driving system, through direct contact with the ground, and tires in the road. Its main function is: quality of automobile vehicle always supported, and automobile suspension common absorption and ease of vehicle shock and vibration, in order to ensure that the car has a good ride comfort and ride with the good guarantee tire surface without attachment, make the car skidded. This car tyres static loading test device design deformation of the main focus on the design of hydraulic loading system, in addition to the bench for auxiliary materials were calculated, and the choice and transmission axis calculation and experimental platform and the choice of design of tyres felloe connection with loading bench, hydraulic cylinder of fixed and practical selection, Then the static load test of deformation car tires with the overall layout, equipment layout drawing expression of design and loading mechanism is an important work of the device, Finally, through the correct calculation, complete parts design, reasonable selection process and small batch processing easily, low cost, high reliability design requirements, and possessed by the assembly, clear design. Key words: Car tyres ; Tyre testing; Static load; Hydraul


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