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河北经贸大学经济管理学院毕业论文 房价波动与银行信贷增长关系的实证研究 专业名称: 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 完成时间: 摘 要 本文主要探讨房地产价格波动对银行信贷增长的作用机制。鉴于所要研究的问题具有很强的实践性,需要数据加以论证,所以搜集整理了2005年8月到2010年12月的月度数据,运用计量经济学分析技术对我国房地产价格影响银行信贷的效应进行实证检验。实践结果表明,房地产价格和银行信贷之间在长期内存在互为因果的关系,即房价波动通过影响微观经济主题的信贷需求和银行的信贷供给影响银行的信贷扩张总量;而银行信贷,尤其是房地产信贷会在长期内影响房地产价格。在短期内,房地产价格波动是通过协整关系成为银行信贷增长的原因。即房地产价格波动在短期内对银行贷款发放的直接影响十分有限主要是在长期内对银行贷款产生影响。货币当局应该密切关注房价波动,并制定合理的货币政策。 关键词 房价波动;银行信贷;计量经济学模型 Abstract This paper mainly discusses real estate prices on the bank credit growth mechanism. In view of the problem to study with strong practicality, need data to argumentation, so collect sorted through the August 2005 in December 2010, the monthly data econometrical analysis technology of Chinese real estate price impact and the effect of bank credit empirical test. The practice indicates that between the real estate price and bank credit in long-term relationship exist inside the reciprocal causation-the actual prices fluctuate, namely the microeconomic theme through affecting the credit demand and bank credit supply affect bank credit expansion amount; And the bank credit, especially housing credit will influence the real estate prices in the long term. In the short term, the real estate price volatility is through the co-integration relationship became bank credit of the reasons for that increase. Namely estate price swings in the short term to bank loans directly affected very limited primarily in the long term impact on bank lending. Monetary authorities should pay close attention to house price fluctuations, and formulate the monetary policy. Keywords house price fluctuation; Bank credit; Econometrics model 目 录 一、文献回顾 1 二、房价波动的现状及其影响因素 2 (一) 经济基本面决定了房价波动中的均衡变动部分 3 (二)地方的宜人性因素和供给限制 3 (三)价格变化自身的发展、调整过程。 4 三、房价波动与银行信贷关系 4 (一)房价调整与银行贷款风险关系 5 1.银行的经营状况和盈利能力受房价调整的影响 5 2.房价下调阶段,银行信用风险和融资收紧的互动性变得更为复杂 5 3.数据匮乏导致控制房价调整风险存在困难 6 (二)房价波动与银行信贷增长的关系 6 1.银行信贷增长对房地产价格



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