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流域生態補償的基本原則與方法 陳利頂 李俊然 張淑榮 傅伯傑 王 軍 (中國科學院生態環境研究中心,北京100085) 摘 要 本文在分析流域生態系統管理和生態補償意義的基礎上,提出流域生態補償是一種國家或大區域的行爲,在考慮流域不同地區、不同部門利益和生態環境特徵的基礎上,應從國家(或大區域)尺度上建立合理的、科學的生態補償機制。提出流域生態補償應遵循的基本原則包括:① 客觀與公正性原則;② 科學性原則;③ 可操作性原則;④ 國家或區域行爲原則;⑤ 責任與義務相結合原則;⑥ 動態評估原則;在開展生態補償評價時,應在流域生態安全格局的基礎上,充分考慮不同地區生態環境特徵,將生態補償的份額與生態地理單元保護的程度直接相挂鈎,提出了確定生態補償份額的動態評估方法和將生態補償納入國家稅收體系的思路。 關鍵字 流域生態系統,生態補償,基本原則,補償方法 分類號 《中圖法》 APPROACHES AND PRIMARY PRINCIPLES FOR ECOLOGICAL COMPENSATION IN A BASIN SCALE CHEN Li-ding, LI Jun-ran, ZHANG Shu-rong, FU Bo-jie and WANG Jun (Research Center For Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 10085) Abstract: Ecosystem management has been becoming the global focus with the deterioration of global environment and disorder of ecosystem function. As a complex unit covering different geographical zones and different administration regions, a scientific planning and management is significant in order to implement sustainable development from basin scale, and furthermore to realize regional or national sustainable development. However, ecological resources within a basin ecosystem were often exploited irrationally by different regions or different departments for their own benefit. Eventually, it often leads to ecosystem destruction and resource loss. Based on analyzing the significance of ecosystem management and eco-compensation, the author proposed that ecological compensation within basin scale would be conducted by central government or multi-regional committee. The ecological compensation mechanism should be established from the national scale with considering the benefits of different regions and different departments. The primary principles for eco-compensation to be conformed are: ① it should be fair and objective;② it should be based on scientific eco-environmental planning;③ it should be feasible to carry out in practice;④ the compensation should be governed by state government or a multi-regional committee;⑤ the duty and obligation


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