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河南理工大学本科毕业论文 题目 浅析我国公共部门人力生态环境面临的问题及对策 河南理工大学本科生毕业论文 浅析我国公共部门人力生态环境面临的问题及对策 摘 要在21世纪,随着知识浪潮的席卷,人力资源的地位凸现,人力资源已经取代工业时代的资本成为我们这个时代最重要的战略资源,人力资源日益成为推动国家发展和进步的重要力量。 我国是一个人力资源大国,开发和管理人力资源,建立人力资源强国是实现我国经济社会发展的必由之路。在我国现行体制下,公共部门的人力资源在社会经济运行中占据重要地位,公共部门作为社会公共资源的代理人,这会改革的领导者,公共产品和公共服务的提供者,其人力资源管理水平的高低,不仅影响公共部门的发展,更影响着整个社会和经济。近年来,我国在公共部门人力资源管理方面取得了显著的进步,但也存在一系列问题。当今世界,国与国之间的竞争,关键在于人才的竞争;增强国家的核心竞争力,重点在于人才的争夺,“人力资源是第一资源”已经成为国际社会的共识。当今世界已经形成一个人力生态环境综合竞争的格局。目前,我国公共部门人力资源生态环境建设,受体制上,经济上,和理念上一些原因的影响,并未能对我国公共部门人力资源管理水平的提高发挥良好的促进作用。 本文在总结相关知识的基础上,探讨公共部门通过优化人力生态环境,创造良好的培养人才,吸引人才,用好人才的人力环境,是极具价值的。 关键词:公共部门; 人力资源生态环境; 优化对策 ABSTRACT In the 21 st century, with the knowledge of the wave swept, human resource status of highlights, human resources has replaced the industrial age capital become the age the most important strategic resources, human resource has become a national development and promote the progress of an important force. Our country is a big country, human resources development and management of human resources, develop human resources power is to realize the only way for the development of our countrys economy and society. In the current system, public sector human resources in social economic operation, are very important, the public sector as a social public resources, it will reform the agent leader, public products and public service providers, its human resources management level, not only affects the development of the public sector, the more impact on the whole society and economy. In recent years, Chinas human resources management in the public sector has made significant progress, but there are a series of problems. In todays world, the competition between nations, the key lies in talent competition; Enhance the core competitiveness of the country, the key is the talent of the race, human resources is the first resource has become the consensus of the international community. In todays world has been formed a human ecological enviro


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