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XXXXXXX大学 2010届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:浅谈模具加工制造及CAD/CAM的应用 学生姓名: 所在院系: 所学专业: 导师姓名: 完成时间:20年月日 现代Abstract Among the modern mold extensive use of high speed machining, this paper introduces the basic concepts of high speed machining, based on the analysis of high-speed machining in mold making applications. Summarizes the NC programming for high-speed processing of the basic principles and high-speed process technology to the requirements of NC programming system. Describes the current NC programming software used for high-speed processing technology measures. Mold processing methods in the current brief and abroad under the premise of the mainstream CAD / CAM software; analysis of China in the application of CAD / CAM technology to take the results and CAD / CAM technology compared with traditional processing methods have advanced; die CAD / CAM technology to the integrated, intelligent, parallel, network, standardization trends; Development CAD / CAM software, the purpose is to apply CAD / CAM technology to improve the level of design and manufacturing enterprises, enterprises should develop according to its own conditions and asked to select the appropriate The CAD / CAM software to the international market-oriented, with conditions, to determine the correct business development ideas. Keywords: Mold CAD/CAM Technology Status Trends 目 录 1.前言 1 1.1高速加工技术 1 1.1.1高速加工优点 1 1.1.2高速模具加工技术优点 2 1.2模具CAD/CAM技术 2 2.模具制造概要 3 2.1模具设计步骤 3 2.2模具加工的基本特点 4 2.3模具表面处理技术 5 2.3.1模具的真空热处理技术 5 2.3.2模具的表面处理技术 6 2.3.3模具材料的预硬化技术 7 2.4模具精加工解决方案 7 2.4.1模具精加工的过程控制 8 2.4.2零件热处理 8 2.4.3 零件的磨削加工 8 2.4.4 电加工控制 9 2.4.5 表面处理及组配 10 2.5模具表面精加工 10 2.5.1方法与设备 11 2.5.2模具表面精加工的发展趋势 13 3 模具CAD/CAM软件及其加工方法的先进性 14 3.1 CAD/CAM软件产品介绍 14 3.2 CAD/CAM加工方法的先进性 18 3.3模具行业采用模具CAD/CAM技术的原因 20 3.4模具CAD/CAM技术在模典行业的应用现状 20 4 模具CAD/CAM技术及发展趋势 21 4.1铸造模CAD/ CAM技术 21 4.2锻模CAD /CAM技术 22 4.3级进模CAD/ CAM技术 23 4.4汽车覆盖件模CAD/ CAM技术 24 4.6塑料注射模CAD/ CAM技术 25 4.7模具CAD/ CAM的发展趋势 26 4.7.1计算机集成制造( CIM) 26


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