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内容摘要 从改革开放至今,中国的对外贸易取得了举世瞩目的成就,尤其是2001年加入WTO以来中国的对外贸易更是翻开了崭新的一页。但是随之而来的贸易纠纷、贸易壁垒却始终困扰着我们。同时由于国际国内环境的变化,使得中小企业的对外贸易出现了许多困难。因此在未来的国际贸易中,中小企业是否还具有竞争优势,中国制造能否继续推进中国经济的前进成为许多人所关心的问题。本文以中小企业较多的浙江省为例,研究分析浙江省中小企业对外贸易的现状、影响因素以及对策。 本文主要从三个主要方面来研究中小企业的对外贸易前景: 1.中小企业对外贸易现状。阐述当前形势下浙江中小企业对外贸易的总体情况,分析在贸易过程中遇到的主要问题,对企业造成的影响,以及企业的应对措施和收到的成效。 2.中小企业对外贸易影响因素。研究分析浙江省中小企业对外贸易的影响因素。 3.中小企业对外贸易的应对措施。通过对影响中小企业对外贸易的影响因素的分析,提出相应的应对措施。 关键词:中小企业 外贸现状 影响因素 应对措施 ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, Chinas foreign trade has made remarkable achievements, particularly since China joined the WTO in 2001, it opened a new chapter. but subsequently trade disputes comes, trade barriers has always troubled us. The changes of international and domestic environment. makes a lot of troubles to the small and medium enterprises in foreign trade. Therefore, it has became a great issue whether the Chinese small and medium enterprises are still competitive in future international trade, and whether made in china can continue to push forward Chinas economy. in this article we will discuss the future of Chinese small and medium enterprises in the international trade through the analysis of international trade by small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and research analysis on the important factor in international trade. This article will discuss from the two main aspects 1. Small and medium enterprises foreign trade situation. Described the current situation of Foreign Trade for small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang province, analysis the major problems in foreign trade, the effect to the enterprises, corporate responses and the results. 2. The influence factors of small and medium-sized enterprises foreign trade. 3. The way to deal with the problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in foreign trade . KEYWORDS: Small and medium-sized enterprise, current situation of International trade influence factors counter measures 正文目录 第一章 导论 1 第一节 选题背景


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