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摘 要 在这个世界经济插上飞速发展的翅膀的全新时代,企业为应对挑战对信息化的要求也越来越高。尤其是在钢铁行业这种传统的生产制造领域,企业需要具备对市场更高的快速反应能力,以满足客户的各种个性化需求。而制造执行系统MES通过有效的生产管理和调度执行,提升钢铁企业各环节间的相应能力,进而提高企业的运行效率。本文论述了MES在钢铁企业数字化中的重要作用和发展状况,结合实际情况对MES在具体实施中存在的问题进行了研究。 本文对课题来源及背景进行了陈述,分析了各企业MES的设计方案和普遍使用的管理规范,分析总结了MES系统在钢铁企业中的需求以及困难,对实际工程中出现的具体问题提供了解决方案以及优化方法,讲述了MES的具体实现方案。最后在总结全文的基础上展望了以后的工作。 关键词:制造执行系统;钢铁企业;信息化;设计方案 Abstract In the world of rapid economic development of the new era, companies` requirement on the information technology becomes higher and higher in order to deal with challenges. Especially in the steel industry, the traditional manufacturing areas, companies need to have a higher markets rapid response capability to satisfy the customers individual requirements. By the help of production management and scheduling, Manufacturing Execution System can improve the capability of every part in the steel companies, and then improving business efficiency. This article discusses the important role and developments of MES in the steel industrys digitization. And combined with the actual situation, the MES in the specific implementation problems were studied. The subject sources and the background are described in the paper, analysis of the design and widespread use of standard management of MES in every company, analyzes and summarizes the needs and difficulties of MES system in the iron and steel enterprises, provides a solution to the problem and optimization methods of specific issues in actual project, described specific implementations of MES. In the end, we summarize the paper and foresee the further work. Keywords: Manufacturing Execution System; Iron and steel enterprise; Informatization; Design 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1钢铁企业MES项目简介 1 1.2钢铁企业MES研究的意义 1 1.3 国内外研究状况 1 1.3.1国外MES发展状况 1 1.3.2 国内MES发展状况 2 1.4 论文研究的内容 2 1.4.1 研究的目标 2 1.4.2 研究的内容和取得的成效 2 1.5 论文的架构 2 2 MES集成与开发技术分析 4 2.1 MES集成与开发研究 4 2.1.1 MES管理架构 4 2.1.3 MES在实施过程中的问题 6 2.1.4 ERP与MES集成与开发的研究 7 2.2 MES与ERP集成需求及存在的问题 7 2.2.1 钢铁企业生产流程及特点 8 2.2.2 MES与外部系统集成需求 9


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