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今天如何做父母 观众朋友 大家好 Hello our audience 欢迎您收看《我们》栏目 Welcome to the CCTV “US” program 在过去的几期节目中 In the past few programs 我们围绕着今天如何做父母这个话题 Regarding the topic of how to be better parents 进行了深入探讨 We have had some serious discussion 家庭教育是孩子成长过程中不可缺少的部分 Family education is part and parcel of a kid’s whole growing-up experience 但是 孩子的主体教育还是在学校完成的 However most of that experience comes from education by school 今天我们演播室就专门请到了几位中小学校长 Today we have invited a few principals of primary and middle schools 请他们来给大家介绍一下 We want them to introduce for us 各个学校鼓励学生的方法 How they encourage their students to be a better student 首先介绍一下我们今天的嘉宾 First let me introduce the honored guests today 他们分别是 They are 北京市第十五中学校长 邰亚臣先生 Mr. Yachen Tai principal of Beijing #15 High School 北京市光明小学校长 刘永胜先生 Mr. Yongsheng Liu pincipal of Beijing Guangming Primary School 北京哈罗英国学校校长Farthing先生 Mr. Farthing principal of Beijing Harod International School IAB国际学校校长Tim Mcdonald先生 Mr. Mcdonald principal of IAB International School 台湾中华中等教育学会理事长 Chairman of Taiwan Secondary Education Council 林昭贤先生 Mr. Shaxian Lin 台北市立第一女子高级中学校长 Principal of Taipei First Girls’High School 周韫维女士 Ms. Wenwei Zhou 台北教育大学附设实验小学校长 Principal of Experiment Primary School of Taipei Normal University 林进山先生 Mr. Jingshan Lin 欢迎你们 Welcome you all 下面首先有请十五中校长 邰亚臣先生 Next we will first ask Principal Tai 观众朋友 大家好 Hello our audience How are you 我们学校一直秉承这样的办学理念 Our school’s mission has always been 那就是教师与学生要共识和谐发展 The harmonized development of students and teachers together 而发展要立足人的差异性 And to develop one’s self, it has to be based on the diversity of students 要促使人去获得幸福体验 It has to allow students experience the sense of happiness 确立自己的主体地位 And to allow the students take initiative in study 这是我们一贯坚持的办学理念 This has always been the ideals of our school 那么基于这样一个基本认识 Based on this understanding 所以我们必须要看到的是 We must recognize that 我们面对的众多学生 Among the large pool of students 他是存在着巨大差异的 There are lots of difference among the students 有的人在学习能力上是突出的 Some are good


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