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摘? 要
运用可视化Delphi开发出试题自动生成系统.利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具, 建立系统应用原型,然后进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成满意的可行系统。该系统结构良好、使用方便,题库数据输入简单,系统能够实现人工选题和随机抽题两大功能. 包括后台数据库的建立、维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。该系统有安全的用户登录模块、方便快捷的浏览界面、易于操作的功能模块。本文的分析基于知识点的试题库结构基础上,阐述以知识点难度系数和题型为主要控制参数的组卷算法的建立与实现方法。该系统的运用不仅提高了教师的工作效率,而且可以实现真正意义上通用性。关键词:通用试卷;知识点;自动组卷; Delphi; SQL Server;this paper describes the design of the structure of the test questiondatabase and the method of the foundation realization of arithmetic of organizing examination paper with the main controls parameters of content of exam and coefficient of difficulty and the structure of test question
the examination base is developed by the use of visual tool DELPHI7.0 and can be used in wide range of applications
This program is about a manage system in miniature of house resource. It adopt the Client/Server model? including backstage supporter foundation and maintain and front two respects of development of application program of data base mainly. Through so analyse the situationing, I use DELPHI 6.0 developing instruments and utilize its various kinds of developing instruments which face the target offered, it set up and use by prototype systematically within short time at first, then, Carry on demand change and take the place of, revise and improve constantly, until forming the user satisfied feasible system to initial prototype system.This system has secure user entry, convenient scanning and easy using query 、append and so on. I believe it will meet the corporation’s satisfaction.
关键词:(小四号、黑体、左顶格) (内容采用小四号、宋体、接排,各关键词之间用分号隔开)
中国电子口岸平台,政府与政府部门、政府部门与企业之间可实现数据交换和共享。数据交换对象包括国家行政管理机关、社会团体、事业单位、国内外企业、驻华使领馆、个体工商户等;连接方法有:PSTN, ISDN, ADSL,DDN, FR, ATM等有线或GRPS, CDMA等无线接入方式;交换格式包括EDFACT, XML, HTML, WML, SWIFT等。