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题目 世界粮食危机与中国的对策 作者姓名 安雯静怡 指导教师 楚文静 二级学院 商学院 专 业 国际经济与贸易 学 号 8B081512 2012年 5月 11日 世界粮食危机与中国的对策 摘 要 近几年世界粮食需求的不断扩大,粮食的库存不断减少,国际粮食价格快速上涨,全球性粮食危机最近变得愈发严重。其出现的原因包括各国对农业重视程度的欠缺、对新兴技术的过于追捧、气象变化异常和战争、投机等人为因素。粮食出口国纷纷出台控制粮食出口政策, 粮食进口国纷纷到国际市场抢购粮食。一些经济较贫困的国家因无力在国际市场抢购粮食, 或无力通过财政补贴抑制国内粮食价格的快速上涨, 而诱发社会动荡。尽管我国因有较充足的粮食库存, 受国际粮食危机的冲击不大, 但我国粮食安全仍存在潜在危机,还需采取强化耕地资源保护、水利设施和依靠科技等措施, 确保我国粮食生产稳定发展和基本自给。中国必须立足自我,加强粮食安全建设,解决好自身的基本粮食需求。 关键词:世界粮食危机;对策;粮食供求;价格上涨;粮食紧缺 World food shortage and Chinas Countermeasures Abstract The sharp increases in food prices that occurred in global and national markets in recent years,the growing demand for land,world food stocks dwindling rapidly,and the resulting increase in the number of hungry and malnourished people,have sharpened the awareness of the general public to the fragility of the global food system. The emergence of reasons including countries the lack of emphasis on agriculture, over-pursuit of emerging technologies, climate change - weather war,speculation and other human factors Food-exporting countries have introduced grain export control policy, food-importing countries have to buy the international food market. Some poorer countries because of economic inability to buy food in the international market, through financial subsidies or unable to suppress the rapid rise in domestic food prices, and lead to social unrest. Although there are enough food stocks in my country and there is little effect by the international food crisis, it remains a potential crisis for my country. In order to ensure the stable development of China’s grain production and self-sufficiency, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen land resource and water conservancy facilities by the way of depending on technology. China must be based on self-development to enhance food security, to solve their basic food needs. Key words: the world food crisis; the countermeasures of China; grain supply and de



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