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LOGO Introduction to Architecture 建筑学经典语录 如果你的一个朋友很久没有联系你了,一是死了,二是学建筑了,三是建筑学要交作业了。 你只看到我的课少,却没看到我的图多。你有你的高数,我有我的模型。你否定我的概念,我决定我的风格。你嘲笑我好高骛远,不懂踏实,我可怜你总是重复;你可以轻视我们方案不过,我们会证明这是谁的时代;交作业注定是难熬的时候,晚上少不了熬夜和吐槽;但那又怎样,就算几天没睡,也要活得下去!!我在建筑学,我为自己代言 Company Logo Company Logo 建筑学经典图片 1. Task Objective The task of architecture is the creation of human environments. It is both an expression of human values and a context for human activity The student of architecture is called upon to direct sensitivity, imagination, and intellect to the physical significance of these fundamental issues in designing a coherent environment for people. Architectural design as a comprehensive creative process is the focus of the education of Architecture. 2. Academic Programs 1) Design and Visualization Art Basic Drawing Color Painting Basics Introductory Graphic Design Architectural Design Drawing and Architectural Form Company Logo 2) Technology and Practice Structures Building Technology Environmental Design Systems Integration and Development in Design Architectural Practice and Management Company Logo Summary 1) Architecture educational objective in Undergraduate Architectural language,words,programmers。 3D+ proceeding sketch,site plan, master plan,first plan,2nd plan,Typical Floor Plan, section, elevation, detail 2) The jobs after graduatio Company Logo 故宫 建筑物实体同时具有的利用价值和观赏价值 希腊雅典卫城 希腊 帕提农神庙 (Parthenon,公元前447-前432年) Company Logo 上海淞沪抗战纪念馆 悉尼歌剧院 中国某南方城市客运港 满足不同建筑有不同使用特点的要求。 residential building 同济大学逸夫楼 Education building ■kindergarten 某幼儿园内院及墙面 儿童活动空间 建筑的分类和等级划分 公共建筑 第1章 房屋建筑学研究的主要内容 ■commercial building 香港汇丰银行 上海广场 上海陆家咀美食城 commercial building 公共建筑 ■office building 深圳特区报业大厦 长江集团中心 公共建筑 medical building 上海瑞金医院病房楼 上海中山医院病房楼 生活服务性建筑 香港某公厕 ■transportation building 上海浦东国际机场 ■theatrical building 北京天桥剧院 industrial architecture 生产车间内部 agricultural building 某养鸡场 现代农业大棚 Employment orientation : Graduates can engage in architectural design, urban design, building environment


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