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第 十七 讲 in sb’s pocket  idm (=to be controlled or strongly influenced by someone in authority, and           willing to do whatever they want)v.在某人掌握之中,受制于某人 out of pocket  idm (=if you are out of pocket, you have less money than you should have,   especially as a result of making a mistake or being unlucky)a.缺钱的,赔钱的 beside the point idm (=not the most important thing)a.离题的,不相关的 make a point of  phr v(=to do something deliberately, even when it involves making a            special effort)v.特别注意(做某事),重视 on the point of  idm (=to be going to do something very soon)ad.正要…之际,就要…之时 point out idm (=to tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about)v.指出 to the point idm (=dealing only with the important subject or idea, and not including any unnecessary discussions)a.切中要害,切题 poke about/around phr v(=to look for something, especially by moving a lot of things around)v.有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站,探寻,翻找 poke fun at idm (=to make fun of someone in an unkind way)v.拿…开玩笑,取笑,嘲弄,奚落 poke one’s nose into phr v(=to take an interest or get involved in someone elses private affairs, in a way that annoys them)v.探问,干预 be poles apart idm (=two people or things that are poles apart are as different from each other as it is possible to be) )a.大相径庭,完全相反 polish off phr v(= to finish food, work etc quickly or easily)v.很快做完,(尤指)迅速吃光 polish off phr v(=to kill or defeat a person or animal when they are weak or wounded)v.干掉,杀死 pour out phr v (=if you pour out your thoughts, feelings etc, you tell someone all about them, especially because you feel very unhappy)v.倾诉,诉苦 in practice idm (=used when saying what really happens rather than what should happen or what people think happens)ad.实际上,事实上 be out of practice idm (=to have not done something for a long time, so that you are not able to do it well)a.生疏的,荒废的 put sth into practice idm (=if you put an idea, plan etc into practice, you start to use it and see if it is effective)v.实施,实行 be at a premium idm (=if something is at


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