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公司介绍邮件 篇一:商务邮件之介绍公司和提议合作 商务邮件之介绍公司和提议合作 我们是通过毕马威会计师事务所的拉里·琼斯知道您的名字的。 We were given your name by Larry Jones at KPMG. 塞维尔·乔茜联合公司的扬·克兰斯顿女式认为您或许会对我们的服务感兴趣。 Ms.Jan Cranston at Seville Josh amp; Associates thought you might be interested in our services. 虽然上周五晚上在行业晚会上见到了您,但是我没有得到机会亲自与您交谈,所以我想给您发一封邮件介绍下我自己。 Though I saw you at the industry dinner last Friday night ,I didt get a chance to talk to you in person,so I thought I would send you an e-mail to introduce myself. 我们专门为跨国企业开发培训方案。 We specialize in developing training solutions for multinational corporations 我们过去和现在的客户包括很多《财富》杂志列为美国500家最大企业的公司。 Our past and present clients include many Fortune 500 companies in the United States. 出了专业书籍,我们还设计及生产为客户定做的台历和便签。 Along with specialty books ,we also design and produce customized d esktop calendars and memo pads. 我们是中国的一家生产办公用品的上市公司,在中国和韩国有3处厂址。 We are a publicly-trade office supplies manufacturing company based in China,with three factory locations in China and Korea. 我们是中国中低端书写工具的领军生厂商和出口商,在这一领域有着20多年的经验。 We are a leading producer and exporter of affordable writing instruments in China with over twenty years of experience in the field. 您是否对商讨一个战略伙伴关系以把我们的销售渠道和你们的市场知识结合起来感兴趣? Would you be interested in discussing a strategic partnership that would combine our distribution channels with your marketing know-how? 我们对你们的品牌印象深刻,想成为你们的餐厅理念的特许使用人。 We are impressed with your brand and would like to become a franchisee of your restaurant concept. 我写这封邮件的目的是想问一下您是否有兴趣在亚洲指定一个经销商直接销售你们的产品。 I am writing to inquire about your interest in designating a distributor to sell your products directly in Asia. 我们对联合促销比较感兴趣,具体就是我们店内悬挂你们的横幅,并给购买你们的啤酒产品的顾客打折,同时你们在你们所有的电视广告上宣传我们的店。 We would be interested in a joint marketing promotion in which we place your banners in our stores and give discounts on your beer products to customers while you promote our store in all your television commercials 篇二:第一次邮件模板_公司及服务介绍 XXX, 你好! 很高兴和你通电话。 上海欧赛斯文化创意有限公司是中国第一家设计、互联网推广、技术相结合的设计公


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