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合 肥 学 院Hefei University翻译文献:玻璃的光学性能课程名称:金属学与热处理 指导教师:谢劲松系别/班级:14粉体材料科学与工程一班姓名(学号):罗成1403011012摘要:无机材料指由无机物单独或混合其他物质制成的材料。通常指由硅酸盐、铝酸盐、硼酸盐、磷酸盐、锗酸盐等原料和/或氧化物、氮化物、碳化物、硼化物、硫化物、硅化物、卤化物等原料经一定的工艺制备而成的材料。Abstract: inorganic materials by inorganic material alone or mixed with other materials. Usually made of silicate, aluminate, borate, phosphate and germanate and / or raw materials such as oxides, nitrides, carbides, borides, silicides, sulfides, halides as raw materials prepared by materials.玻璃是由二氧化硅和其他化学物质熔融在一起形成的(主要生产原料为:纯碱、石灰石、石英)。在熔融时形成连续网络结构,冷却过程中粘度逐渐增大并硬化致使其结晶的硅酸盐类非金属材料。普通玻璃的化学组成是Na2SiO3、CaSiO3、SiO2或Na2O·CaO·6SiO2等,主要成分是硅酸盐复盐,是一种无规则结构的非晶态固体。广泛应用于建筑物,属于混合物。另有混入了某些金属的氧化物或者盐类而显现出颜色的有色玻璃,和通过物理或者化学的方法制得的钢化玻璃等。有时把一些透明的塑料(如聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯)也称作有机玻璃。The glass is made of silicon dioxide and other chemical substances fused together to form (the main raw materials for the production of soda ash, limestone, quartz). The formation of a continuous network structure in the melt, silicate nonmetalmaterials cooling process viscosity increases gradually and hardening resulting in the crystallization. The chemical composition of glass is Na2SiO3, CaSiO3, or SiO2 Na2O - CaO - 6SiO2, is the main component of silicate, is an amorphous solid irregular structure. Widely used in buildings, to the mixture. Otherwise mixed with some metal oxides or salts and show the color of colored glass The glass and method by physical or chemical preparation of toughened glass. Some transparent plastic (such as PMMA) also called organic glass.关键词:折射率、反射、对红外和紫外的吸收Refractive index, reflection, infrared and ultraviolet absorption一、玻璃的折射率当光照射到玻璃时,一般产生反射、透过和吸收。这三种基本性质与折射率有关。玻璃的折射率可以理解为电磁波在玻璃中传播速度的降低(以真空中的光速为准)。如果用折射率来表示光速的降低,则:n=c/vWhen the light shines on the glass, generally have the reflection and absorption. Through these three kinds of basic properties and refractive index. The refractive index of the glass can be understood as to reduce the velocity of electromagnetic wave in the glass (at the speed of light in a va


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