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纳米铜粉 姓 名: 侯佳琦 学 号: 2013730013 专 业: 材料工程 2013年 12月28日 目 录 引言 1 第一章 纳米铜粉介绍 1 1.1纳米材料 1 1.2纳米铜粉的应用 1 1.3纳米铜粉的制备 2 1.3.1气相法 2 1.3.2液相法 2 1.3.3固相法 2 第二章 纳米铜粉的制备方法 3 2.1液相还原法制备纳米铜粉 3 2.2液相沉淀法制备纳米铜粉 3 2.3以次磷酸钠为还原剂制备纳米铜粉 3 2.4非水溶剂法制备纳米铜粉 4 第三章 结论 4 内容摘要:纳米级材料(10~100nm)由于具有尺寸小,比表面积大及量子尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应等特点,使之具有与常规材料不同的一些新特性,因此近年来有关对纳米材料的制备、性能及应用的研究在国内外一直受到广泛的关注。其中纳米铜粉用做固体润滑剂则是纳米材料应用的范例之一。超细铜粉以适当方式分散于各种润滑油中可形成一种稳定的悬浮液,这种油每升中含有数百万个超细金属粉末颗粒,它们与固体表面相结合,形成一个光滑的保护层,同时填塞微划痕,从而大幅度降低磨擦和磨损,尤其在重载、低速和高温振动条件下作用更为显著,正因如此,国外已有加入纳米铜粉的润滑油销售,我国在化学法制备纳米铜粉方面尚未见详细的报道。目前制备纳米材料的方法很多,如激光气相合成法、冷冻干燥法、机械合金技术、高温气相裂解法、超声化学法、醇盐水解法、沉淀转化法、水解合成法等。 关键词:纳米铜粉,作用,制备 Abstract:Nanometer materials(10~100nm)with the advantages of small size,large specific surface characteristics such as quantum size effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect,make it has some new features different from conventional materials,so in recent years on the preparation,properties and applications of nanometer materials research at home and abroad has been widespread attention.The nanometer copper powder used as solid lubricant is one of the examples of the application of nanometer materials.Ultrafine copper powder dispersed in all kinds of lubricating oil in the proper manner,can form a stable suspension of this oil is contained in a liter millions of ultrafine metal powder particles,which combined with a solid surface,form a protective layer of smooth,filling the micro scratches at the same time,so as to reduce the friction and wear and tear,especially under the condition of overload,low speed and high temperature vibration effect is more significant,because of this, foreign has joined the nanometer copper powder of lubricating oil sales,in the aspect of chemical preparation of nanometer copper powder in China has yet to see the detailed report.There were many methods to prepare antimaterialism,such



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