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结果:有2项随机对照研究和4项非随机对照研究共1602例病人符合入选标准。Results two randomized controlled trials and four non-randomized controlled studies on 1 602 patients qualified for the meta-analysis according to our criteria.方法按入选标准筛选合适病人进行溶栓,以相同时期非溶栓治疗的具有相同条件的患者为对照组。Methods intravenous thrombolytic therapy was performed on 35 patients as a thrombolysis-treated group who are up to the admission standards, and meanwhile 29 patients as a control group with the similar conditions to the thrombolysis-treated group were managed without intravenous thrombolysis. 方法符合入选标准的病人分别给予降纤酶(降纤酶组)、尿激酶(尿激酶组)、生理盐水(对照组)治疗。Methods the patients were divided into three groups ( defibrase group, urokinase group and control group), and defibrase, urokinase, and normal saline were given separately.方法:将所有符合入选标准的病人根据病情给予控制感染、脱水及降压降糖等对症处理,在基础治疗上给予静脉滴注注射用灯盏细辛酚,通过比较治疗前后神经功能缺损评分变化现察疗效。Methods: all patients who meet the criteria for inclusion under the condition to control infections, dehydration and other symptomatic hypotension hypoglycemic, in the basic treatment given intravenous injection erigeron phenol, by comparing before and after treatment neurologic impairment score changes of efficacy. 方法回顾性分析中国广州中山大学第一和第三附属医院从1996年5月至2005年4月收治的454例肝移植患者的临床资料,病例组入选标准:(1)行尸肝供体原位肝移植病人;(2)术后出现脑出血;(3)所有病例均经头颅ct或mri检查明确诊断;(4)术前有过脑出血病史者不能入选。Method the clinical data of 454 patients who underwent liver transplantation in the first and third affiliated hospital of sun-yat sen university of guangzhou, china, from May 1996 to April 2005, were retrospectively analyzed. The criteria for the selection of patients were as follow: ( 1) the patients after orthotropic liver transplantation of dead donor; ( 2) intracerebral hemorrhage after liver transplantation; ( 3) all patients diagnosed by head CT or MRI; ( 4) patients with intracerebral hemorrhage before liver transplantation were excluded.本文阐述了在泌尿外科学教学中应用标准化病人的优势,并总结了培训泌尿外科学标准化病人的经验,从招募、入选标准及训练目标、具体培训方案等方面,较为详细地描述了泌尿外科学标准化病人的培训方法。In this article, the advantages of urology sp were summarized. A



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