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一、金钱原则词汇 资产?asset v. 浪费?be extravagant 预算?budget n. 消费品?consumer goods 贵重的?costly a. 存钱?deposit vt. 经济负担?economic burden 经济困难?economic difficulty 花费?expend vt. 奢侈的?extravagant a. 资助?finance n.?接受某人的资助 经济资助?finance aid?给某人经济资助 资金紧张?finance strain?某部门资金紧张 政府税收?government revenue 医疗保健?healthcare?政府的医疗保健 无家可归?homeless 饥饿?hunger n. 收入?income n. 保险?insurance n. 投资?invest v. 失业者?jobless n. 下岗工人?laid-off worker 滥用?lavish v. 有限的公共资金?limited public funds 赚钱的?lucrative a. 豪华的?luxurious a. 挥霍?money-consuming a. 拜金主义的?money-oriented a. 必需品?necessity n. 贫困的?needy a. 透支?overdraft v. 抵押?pawn v. 财产?property 节约紧缩开支?retrench vi. 赢利的?profitable a. 津贴?subsidize v. 纳税人?taxpayer 福利?welfare 二、健康原则词汇 有氧运动?aerobic exercise 平衡饮食?balanced diet 有害健康的?be physically damaging 过于肥胖的?bloated 致癌的?cancer-causing 食肉类的?carnivorous adj 慢性的?chronic 方便食品?convenience food 治愈?cure 头昏眼花的?dizzy 危及?endanger vt 精力充沛的?energetic adj. 传染病?epidemics 根除?eradicate vt. 使恶化?exasperate vt. 过量摄入?excessive intake 排气?exhaust 疲劳?fatigue n. 高脂肪高热量?high fat and calorie 免疫的?immune 绝症?incurable disease 消化不良?indigestion 懒惰的?indolent adj. 传染病?infectious disease 失眠症?insomnia n. 垃圾食品?junk food 慢跑?jog 预期寿命?life expectancy 减肥?lose weight 疾病?malady 营养不良?malnutrition 医学的?medical 近视?near-sighted 营养品?nourishment n. 器官移植?organ transplant 超重?overweight 预防?prevention 治疗?treatment 肿瘤?tumor 提供营养?nourish 卡路里?calorie 饥饿?starvation 营养不良?malnutrition 三、智力原则词汇 表达能力?ability of expression 洞察力?acumen 熟练的?adept 赏识?appreciate vt. 评价?assessment n. 智力?brains n 发挥才干?bring into the talents 证书?certificate n. 创造性的?creative adj 培养?cultivate vt. 识别力?discernment n. 天资?endowment n. 开发?explore vt. 幻想的?fantastic adj. 理想主义?idealism n. 个性?individuality n. 天赋?inherence n. 本能的?instinctive adj. 智商?intelligence quotient 有文化?literacy 掌握?master vt. 值得称赞的品质?merit n. 激情?passion n. 观点?perspective n. 充分发挥?put into great play 素质教育?quality education 荒谬的?ridiculous adj. 生存能力?survival ability 依赖科技的technology-dependent adj. 远程教育?tele-education n. 思维模式?thinking pattern 智慧?wit n. 四、文


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