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目录 INDEX A. MACHINERY PART MOORING TEST 系泊试验 3 0. General 概述: 3 1. Main Propulsion System主推进系统试验 6 2. Diesel Generator Sets 柴油发电机组试验 13 3. Emergency Generator Set 应急发电机组试验 18 4. Oil Fired Boiler and Exhaust Gas Oil Fired Composite Boiler 燃油锅炉和废气燃油组合锅炉的试验 20 5. Air Compressors and Air Reservoirs 空气压缩机和空气瓶的试验 25 6. Purifiers 分离机的试验 28 7. Sewage Treatment Unit 生活污水处理装置的试验 28 8. Quick Closing Valve 快关阀的试验 29 9. Bilge and Ballast System 舱底和压载系统试验 29 10. Workshop Equipment 机修间设备试验 30 11. E/R Crane 机舱行车试验 31 12. Auto. Start test of Stand-by Pumps 备用泵的自动起动试验 31 13. Auto. Start / Stop of Pumps 泵的自动启、停试验 32 14. Test of Temperature Control Valves 温控阀的试验 32 15. Test of Alarm Device for Various Tanks 各舱报警装置的试验 32 16. Test of Piping System 管系的试验 32 17. CO2 Fire Extinguishing System CO2灭火系统试验 37 18. Remote Level Gauging System 液位遥测系统试验 37 19. Mechanical Ventilation System (in E/R) 机舱机械通风系统试验 37 20. M/E Maneuvering System 主机操纵系统的试验 38 21. Cargo Transmitters 液货传感器试验 39 22. Cargo Transfer System 液货输送系统试验 39 23. Cargo Stripping System 液货扫舱系统试验 39 24. Tank Cleaning System 洗舱系统试验 39 25. Cargo Vent and Vapor Return System 货舱透气和蒸汽返回系统试验 40 26. Oil Discharge Monitoring System 排油监控系统试验 40 27. Gas Detection System 气体探测系统试验 40 28. Portable Cargo Monitoring Device 便携式液位检测装置试验 40 29. Air Condition System 空调系统试验 41 B. MACHINERY PART SEA TRIAL 航行试验 41 1. General 概述 41 2. Items、Methods and Requirements for Sea Trial航行试验项目、方法和要求 42 A. MACHINERY PART MOORING TEST 系泊试验 0. General 概述: 1. This program is intended for mooring test of machinery part. 本程序为本船轮机部分的系泊试验。 2. All kind of test instrumentations and gauges applied during mooring test, should be checked and passed by the metrology department, except for those provided with the equipment. 试验中使用的所有仪器和测量工具都应通过计量部门的检查和校对,设备附带的外。 3. Before the functional test of piping system, hydraulic test / air pressure test for all piping concerned are to be made and submitted for acceptance in accordance with the


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