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[代码] 图片预加载 HYPERLINK \l viewSourceview source HYPERLINK \l printSourceprintHYPERLINK \l about? 01 (function($) { 02 varcache = []; 03 // Arguments are image paths relative to the current page. 04 $.preLoadImages =function() { 05 varargs_len = arguments.length; 06 for(vari = args_len; i--;) { 07 varcacheImage = document.createElement(img); 08 cacheImage.src = arguments[i]; 09 cache.push(cacheImage); 10 } 11 } 12 13 jQuery.preLoadImages(image1.gif,/path/to/image2.png); [代码] 在新窗口打开链接 (target=”blank”) HYPERLINK \l viewSourceview source HYPERLINK \l printSourceprintHYPERLINK \l about? 1 $(a[@rel$=external]).click(function(){ 2 this.target =_blank; 3 }); 4 5 /* 6 Usage: 7 a href= rel=external/a 8 */ [代码] 当支持 JavaScript 时为 body 增加 class HYPERLINK \l viewSourceview source HYPERLINK \l printSourceprintHYPERLINK \l about? 1 /* 该代码只有1行,但是最简单的用来检测浏览器是否支持 JavaScript 的方法,如果支持 JavaScript 就在 body 元素增加一个 hasJS 的 class */ 2 $(body).addClass(hasJS); [代码] 平滑滚动页面到某个锚点 HYPERLINK \l viewSourceview source HYPERLINK \l printSourceprintHYPERLINK \l about? 01 $(document).ready(function() { 02 $(a.topLink).click(function() { 03 $(html, body).animate({ 04 scrollTop: $($(this).attr(href)).offset().top +px 05 }, { 06 duration: 500, 07 easing:swing 08 }); 09 returnfalse; 10 }); 11 }); [代码] 鼠标滑动时的渐入和渐出 HYPERLINK \l viewSourceview source HYPERLINK \l printSourceprintHYPERLINK \l about? 1 $(document).ready(function(){ 2 $(.thumbs img).fadeTo(slow, 0.6);// This sets the opacity of the thumbs to fade down to 60% when the page loads 3 4 $(.thumbs img).hover(function(){ 5 $(this).fadeTo(slow, 1.0);// This should set the opacity to 100% on hover 6 },function(){ 7 $(this).fadeTo(slow, 0.6);// This should set the opacity back to 60% on mouseout 8 }); 9 }); [代码] 制作等高的列 HYPERLINK \l viewSourceview source HYPERLINK \l printSourceprintHYPERLINK \l about? 1 varmax_height = 0; 2 $(div.col).each(function(){ 3 if($(this).height() max_height) { max_height = $(this).height(); } 4 }); 5 $(div.col).height(max_height);


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