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美丽中国(Wild China)第三集 西藏 Tibet 中英文对照文本字幕 1 00:00:00,100 -- 00:00:02,900 2 00:00:02,900 -- 00:00:06,960 西藏高原的陆地面积约占中国领土的四分之一 The Tibetan plateau is a quarter of China. 3 00:00:08,900 -- 00:00:12,860 其中的大部分极度偏远荒无人烟 Much of it is extremely remote and inhospitable. 4 00:00:14,420 -- 00:00:18,940 南部边界贯穿了世界上最高的山脉 Its southern border runs through the worlds highest mountain range, 5 00:00:18,940 -- 00:00:21,730 望而生畏的喜马拉雅山 the formidable Himalayas. 6 00:00:25,850 -- 00:00:28,960 中部是暴露在风中的寒冷荒地 Its central part is a windswept and freezing 7 00:00:28,960 -- 00:00:31,330 其面积与西欧相似 wilderness the size of Western Europe. 8 00:00:35,200 -- 00:00:40,350 难以置信这个具有挑战性的 地方竟然是野生动物的家园 But this challenging place is home to incredible wildlife. 9 00:00:40,350 -- 00:00:44,710 这里的大型生物比中国其它任何地方还要多 There are more large creatures here than anywhere else in China. 10 00:00:55,660 -- 00:00:59,490 西藏加入到新中国这个大家庭五十多年来 Tibet has been a province of China for more than 50 years, 11 00:00:59,490 -- 00:01:02,450 有着1000多年悠久历史的的藏传佛教 yet it has a unique character, 12 00:01:02,450 -- 00:01:05,690 依旧保持着她独特的风貌 shaped by over 1,000 years of Tibetan Buddhism. 13 00:01:10,360 -- 00:01:14,190 这个鲜为人知的散发着古老气息的宗教 This obscure and archaic-looking religion 14 00:01:14,190 -- 00:01:18,630 孕育了这个世界上最开明的文化 has produced one of the most enlightened cultures on Earth. 15 00:01:18,630 -- 00:01:22,820 在这里人们与自然界 Here,people have a long tradition of co-existing peacefully 16 00:01:22,820 -- 00:01:26,620 和谐相处的悠久传统 with the creatures and landscape around them, 17 00:01:26,620 -- 00:01:31,900 促进了对脆弱自然环境的保护 a relationship which has helped to protect their fragile environment. 18 00:01:35,500 -- 00:01:40,360 在这个节目中我们将展示 这块承载着古老文化的厚重土地 In this programme we will discover why this harsh land with its ancient 19 00:01:40,360 -- 00:01:45,090 对我们的地球来说是多么的重要 culture is vitally important for much of our planet. 20 00:02:24,280 -- 00:02:27,400 初冬 Its the beginning of winter, 21 00:02:27,400 -- 00:02:29,920 高高的青藏高原之上 high up on the Tibetan plateau


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