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OHS3 Occupational Health and Safety Training 职业健康和安全培训 Chemical Safety 化学安全 Objectives目标 By the end of this session, you will be able to:通过本节,您将能 Identify the different chemical hazard classes识别不同的化学危害类别 Identify safe procedures for handling chemicals 识别处理化学品的安全程序 Identify health hazards for different chemical hazard classes识别不同化学危害类别的健康危害 Identify first aid procedures for different chemical hazard classes识别不同化学危害类别的急救措施 Exposure Limits接触限 Exposure Limit接触限 The maximum allowed airborne concentration of a chemical允许的化学品空气中的最高浓度 Not intended to represent a fine line between safe and harmful conditions有旨在于安全和危害条件中划一清晰的线 it is not possible to take into account all factors which could influence the effect that exposure to the substance may have on an individual worker不可能考虑可能影响员工与化学品接触而产生作用所有因素 the guiding principle is elimination of exposure or reduction to the lowest level that is reasonably achievable below the exposure limit指南性原则就是消除接触,或减少至最低限 Exposure Limits cont’d接触限 Exposure limits are expressed as接触限表示为 8-hour exposure limit 8小时接触限 15-minute exposure limit 15分钟接触限 ceiling limit最高限 Exposure Limits: 8-Hour Limit 8小时接触限 The time weighted average concentration of a substance in air which may not be exceeded over a normal 8 hour work period在空气中的平均浓度,不能超过8个小时的工作时间 A worker can be exposed to this exposure limit day after day, without a respirator, with no adverse health effects员工每天可以如此接触化学品,可以不带防毒面具,对员工健康不会产生负面影响 Exposure Limits: 15-Minute Limit 15分钟接触限 The time weighted average concentration of a substance in air which may not be exceeded over any 15 minute period在空气中的平均浓度,不能超过15分钟 Staff exposure is limited to no more than 4 such periods in an 8 hour work shift with at least one hour between any 2 successive 15 minutes excursion periods员工在8个小时内,接触时间不得超过4个15分钟.并且间隔1小时远离化学品 Ceiling Exposure Limit 最高限 The concentration of a substance in air which may not be exceeded at any time during the work period工作期间,空气间的浓度任何时间都不能超过 Chemical Hazards化学危害 Chemical hazards are de


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