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? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008 McGraw-Hill/Irwin 课程3:股票股利 问题1:股利政策 股利: 股息+ 红利 股息: 固定比例支付,一般指优先股收益。 红利:不固定比例支付,一般指普通股收益。 问题2:现金股利 派现——现金股利   我国个人投资者获取上市公司现金分红需缴纳个人所得税,由上市公司代扣代缴。    问题2:现金股利 个人投资者持股在1个月以内,税率20% 持股期限在1个月以上至1年,税率10% 持股期限超过1年的,税率5%。 机构投资者缴纳所得税,不征收利息税。    蓝筹股:经营业绩较好,具有稳定且较高的现金股利支付的公司股票。 问题3:股票股利 2.送股—— 股票股利    也称送红股,上市公司以股票的方式派发股利,例如10送10。 问题3:股票股利 计算题: 举例来看:假设某公司每10股送10股,分红1元,送股部分以每股1元的面值计税。计算企业代扣所得税以后,投资者实际所得: 持股超过1年的投资者 持股不满1个月的投资者 持股时间在1个月至1年之间的投资者 问题3:股票股利 计算题答案: 上市公司按5%税率代缴之后,个人投资者在现金红利发放日实际到账现金每10股0.45元。但如果投资者持股不满1个月,应缴税款则达每10股2.2元,抵扣此前到账的现金分红后还需补缴每10股1.2元。若投资者持股时间在1个月至1年之间,则需另外支出每10股0.1元补税。 问题4:四个非常重要的日期 (1)股利宣布日  (2)股权登记日 (3)除息除权日:股权登记日之后的1个工作日。 (4)派发日 股利宣布日—股权登记日—除息除权日 (含息、含权证券)    问题5:资本公积金转增股本 送股:留存收益转股本,交税 转增:资本公积转股本,不交税 (10送10, 10转10)    2 Inventory includes all goods that a company owns and holds for sale, regardless of where the goods are located when inventory is counted. Inventory is reported as a current asset on the balance sheet. Inventory includes all goods that a company owns and holds for sale, regardless of where the goods are located when inventory is counted. Inventory is reported as a current asset on the balance sheet. Inventory includes all goods that a company owns and holds for sale, regardless of where the goods are located when inventory is counted. Inventory is reported as a current asset on the balance sheet. Inventory includes all goods that a company owns and holds for sale, regardless of where the goods are located when inventory is counted. Inventory is reported as a current asset on the balance sheet. Inventory includes all goods that a company owns and holds for sale, regardless of where the goods are located when inventory is counted. Inventory is reported as a current asset on the balance sheet. Inventory includes all goods that a company owns and holds for sale, regardless of where the goods are located when inventory is counted. Inventory is reporte


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