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The United States‘movies is very famousu all aroung the world, although the United States only 200 years of history, in short hundreds of years development, gradually formed a distinct features of American culture, such as the pursuit of dreams, equality, freedom, and inclusive American Political Elections?are?the?lifeblood?of?a?democracy.?The?word?democracy?literally?means?the?people?rule,?an?important?concept?in?Americas?history.?In?the?mid-1700s,?England?began?passing?laws?that?made?the?American?colonies?angry.?The?colonists?had?to?pay?more?and?more?taxes?and?enjoyed?less?and?less?freedom.?They?felt?the?government?of?England?didnt?represent?their?interests.?On?July?4,?1776,?the?colonies?declared?their?independence?from?England.?They?wanted?to?establish?a?democracy?where?people?could?have?a?voice?in?government. An effective democracy holds regular elections. In America, elections are held every two years for members of Congress. In these elections, all seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate seats are up for grabs. In addition, every four years, voters go to the polls to elect the nations president and vice-president. Voters also regularly cast their ballots for state and city government leaders and local school board members. Sometimes they also have to vote on a proposed law. American Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination,or,the color problem,refers mainly to Negroes in the United States,as they constitute one tenth of the total population.The term Negro is applied to people descended or partly descended from slaves transported from Africa long ago.It is now avoided by many white Americans for fear of offending their non-white brothers.The old term nigger is now considered to be insulting,and is altogether avoided in decent usage.In official statistics the term non-white is used,and in ordinary situations it is acceptable to call non-white people black,although this term was once also somewhat insulting. Without some referenc


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