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Unit 5 First aid Using language Heroic teenager receives award Summary Find out some adj. to describe John’s action? Discussion . have the honor(of sth) 获得某种特殊的荣幸, 有幸…… on one’s honor?以名誉或人格担保 in honor of… 为向…表示敬意, 为纪念…… in sb’s /sth’s honor?出于对……的敬意 Will you do me the honor of dining with me? May I have the honor of this dance? He was on his honor not to tell the secret. A monument was built in honor of the heroes who gave up their lives during the war. We are planning a big Christmas party in your honor. 2. award vt. 授予, 奖给; 判给 学校将奖给你10000块! Our school will award you 10 thousand yuan. You will be awarded 10 thousand yuan by our school. noun. 奖品, 奖状, 奖金 Oscar Award 奥斯卡金像奖 Best Actor Award/Best Actress Award Best Supporting Actor Award reward n. 报酬, 报答, 奖赏, 报偿; 赏金, 酬金 vt. 酬谢, 奖赏 警方出大笔赏金要求提供那起抢劫案的 破案线索。 The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery. 我怎样才能报答你的好心呢? How can I reward your kindness? in reward 作为酬报 /回报 I dont expect anything in reward. 1. It is widely accepted that young babies learn to?do things because certain acts lead to _____. A. rewards???B. prizes????C. awards???D. results 2. The mayor _______ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims. A. rewarded??????? B. awarded??????? C. credited??????? D. prized present n. [C] 礼物 [U]表示区别过去或将来的“现在” We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future. 我们学习过去, 体验现在, 希望未来成功。 I got many presents for my birthday. 相关短语: the present day 今天(=today) at present/at the present time=now 现在 for the present 暂时 the present 现在(相当于名词) be present at 出席; 到场 2) ceremony n. (C)典礼; 仪式 (U)礼节; 礼仪; 客套 The wedding ceremony was beautiful. There is no need for ceremony between us. Expressions: stand on ceremony 拘泥礼节; 讲究客套 with ceremony 正式; 隆重 without ceremony 不拘礼节地; 随便地 The head of state was welcomed with full ceremony. 人们以最高规格的仪式欢迎国


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