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新闻英语中的语法特征 Grammatical features of news English 1. flexible usage of the tense时态运用灵活 1.1 tense in news headline 时态的运用在英语新闻文体中有其独特之处,在标题中尤为突出。为了给读者一种现实感和新闻的及时感,标题中常用一般现在时、不定式或现在分词分别表示过去、将来或正在进行的动作。For example: (1)Hillary Clinton suffers collapse US senator and former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has collapsed during a pubic appearance in Buffalo, New York state (2) Stars rock Bangkok for tsunami relief World entertainment giant, MTV Asia, will hold a star-studded concert today to raise money for the tsunami relief effort. 1.2 the disagreement of tenses时态的不一致性 在一般文体中,按照传统英语语法规则,宾语从句中谓语动词的时态要受制于主句中谓语动词的时态,这被称之为时态的一致或呼应。同样,当间接引语被改为直接引语时,动词形态也要做相应的调整。英语新闻一般也应该遵循这种时态的变化规则。然而,在实际的新闻报道中,起时态常常并不拘泥于这种语言规则,而是按照实际情况,根据新闻事实发生的时间变化与顺序,酌情灵活使用各种时态。例如: The new post, undersecretary-general for administration and management, involves overall responsibility for budget and personal matters and is one of eight deputy positions created by Mr. Butros Ghali in a restructuring of the Secretariat announced on Friday, the officials said. 2. Passive voice is frequently used 频繁使用被动语态 被动语态在英语新闻中使用得相当广泛,起使用频率往往多于其他英语文体。其原因主要有两方面。一方面是因为新闻报道最重要的作用是向大宗报道必威体育精装版的,有重大意义的事件和信息。为了能突出重点,新闻报道中常用被动语态强调事件或行为的结果,突出强调新闻事实或动作的接受者而不是执行者。例如: (1) More than 50 million acres of farmland have been submerged and grain stores damaged. Thousands of peasants have been shown on television trying to save their grain by loading sacks into boats or trying to move them to higher ground. (2) At least 26 people were killed at the weekend in a new army offensive in which the army fired rockets, artillery and mortars at targets around the town as air force made repeated strikes. 另一方面,记者为迅速、有效地抓住读者的注意力,有时不得不采用被动语态,这可谓是英语新闻文体的特征之一,因为它恰如其分地掌握了读者阅报时的普遍心理。人们阅读时都是处于漫不经心的状态,只有当念到感兴趣部分时才会集中注意力。为此,被动语态将动作的承受者移至句首,正好起到这一作用。例如 A brief case containing highly sensitive documents about British operations in Saudi Arabia was stolen. It was revealed last night to the press. But no details were provided. 3. complexity and varie



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