Unit 5 The Tapestry of FriendshipEllen Goodman课件.ppt

Unit 5 The Tapestry of FriendshipEllen Goodman课件.ppt

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18. bonding ?n [U]亲密关系 male/female bonding (informal) the activity of doing things with other people of the same sex bond v.(使)粘合 n. 联系;粘合剂 19. primal ? 1) a. (fml) first or original; primeval最初的; 原始的 2) a. chief or most important; fundamental; primary主要的;基础性的 18. pick on 1) choose sb for punishment, criticism or blame选中某人惩罚﹑ 批评或责怪 E.g. She felt that her parents were picking on her. 2) choose sb for a task, esp an unpleasant one选中某人做某事(尤指厌恶的事) E.g. I was picked on to announce the bad news. 21. dual ? adj having two of something or two parts二重的; 双的 dual role /purpose / function / citizenship / nationality duality n [U] You’re OK, I’m OK Corral Questions: 3. Why does the author list the movies the woman had seen that year? 4. What led the woman to think that the cinema has shifted its focus? Part III (Para. 7-18) The distinctions of the two types of friendship are detailed. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge (21 October 1772 – 25 July 1834) was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher who was a founder of the Romantic Movement in England and a member of the Lake Poets. 22. border v ~ on sth be next to sth; be almost the same as sth 接近某物;几乎与某事物相同 E.g. (fig)The boys reply to his teacher was bordering on rudeness. 23. adversity ? n. [U] unfavorable conditions; trouble逆境; 不幸 adverse a.不利的,有害的 adversary n. 对手,敌手 24. palpable ? adj (fml) clear to the mind; obvious明显的; 明白的 palpably adv Antonym: impalpable 25. accessory 1) n. (usu pl) thing that is a useful or decorative extra but that is not essential附属品; 配件 2) n. ~ (to sth) (law) person who helps another in a crime从犯; 帮凶 accessory adj additional; extra 26. athletic ? adj [attrib] of athletes or athletics运动员的; 运动的 E.g. an athletic club * athletic sports athletics n. 运动,体育 athlete n. 运动员 athleticism n. 运动竞赛, 运动能力 27. loathe ? v. [Tn] feel great hatred or disgust for (sb/sth)憎恨; 厌恶 loathing n [U] disgust厌恶; 憎恨 E.g. have a loath


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