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摘要 车床是应用最广泛的机械之一,约占机械工具的65%。本次我接到的课题就是对车床主轴箱结构进行设计,而主轴箱设计最重要的就是主传动系统的运动设计。主传动系统的运动设计有确定极限转速、确定公比、确定转速等级、确定结构网和结构式绘制转速图、确定齿轮和拟定传动系统图。主运动部件的结构设计有:带传动的设计、确定各种计算转数、确定齿轮模数、确定各轴最小直径和设计部分主轴主件。设计完成后轴与轴承的校核:州的校核主要通过轴颈、结构、运动等计算出轴最大承受能力,能够正常工作的时间。轴承则通过每个不同的轴连接,确定要用的轴承,选出醉倒的轴承,最后确定轴承轴和轴承是否达到要求。 本论文对车床主轴箱传动结构着重进行了设计,车床主轴箱式车床的动力源将动力和运动传递给车床主轴和基本环节,其机构复杂而巧妙,要实现其全部功能在软件中的模拟仿真工作量非常大。这次设计的效果没有预计的完美,有一些硬件上的问题没有得到解决,在模拟仿真的时候,由于计算机的配置不能达到所需要求,致使运行速度非常慢,不但时间上脱下来,而且所模拟的效果很不理想。我接受的设计任务是对车床的主轴箱进行设计。主轴箱的结构复杂繁多,烤炉到实际硬件条件,在进行三维造型的时候在不影响模拟仿真的情况下,我省去了很多细节部件。 本文用简明的语言有侧重的介绍了普通机床中主轴的设计过程,先通过研究背景及选题意义的介绍,来引出本设计的意义。然后分别从参数拟定、传动设计、传动件的估算和验算、各部件结构设计和主轴组件的验算5个部分来进行设计的。以齿轮、带轮、皮带轮、轴承、箱体等的参数设计为重点。 关键词:齿轮;结构设计;箱体;轴承 Abstract Common lathe is one of the most widely used, accounting for 65%of the total number of lathes, because of the spindle horizontally placed so called horizontal lathe. Mainspindle : also known as the headstock, its main task is coming from the main motor rotation speed through a series of institutions required for the spindle box allocate part of the power the campaign to pass into the box. Lathe headstock spindle is the key to the middle part. Spindle bearing on the smooth operation of the workpiece directly affect the processing quality, once the accuracy of the rotation decreased, the machine’s using values. Feed box: also known as the cutting box, feed tank equipped with a vanable speed feed motion in the body, it can adjust the speed to change mechanism, obtain the required feed rate or screw pitch, the motion and driving force to slide crate to make crate to get the vertical linear slide motion. Start lathe check each variable speed are in the lathe meutral. Clutch whether is in the correct position, joystick is no in stop state, when confirmed, close the lathe total switch power supply. Saddle bed according to the green button, motor started brought up to slip board box on the right side of the lever handle, spindle is turned; Lever handle back into the middle position,


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