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人工挖孔桩施工安全措施 年级: 学号: 姓名: 专业: 指导老师 目录 摘 要 2 Abstract 3 第1章:人工挖孔桩施工安全措施 4 1.1有关规定 4 1.1.1人工挖孔作业要求 4 1.1.2挖孔桩注意事项 4 1.2安全施工准备措施 5 1.2.1施工人员要求 5 1.2.2施工现场及材料检查 5 1.3安全施工注意事项 6 1.3.1施工人员作业事项 6 1.3.2施工注意事项 7 第2章:安全事故紧急处理预备措施 7 2.1人工挖孔桩常见安全事故及原因 7 2.1.1常见安全事故 7 2.1.2事故原因 8 2.2安全事故紧急处理预备措施 8 2.2.1井内安全措施 8 2.2.2事故处理原则 9 2.2.3部门处理措施 9 致谢 10 参考文献 11 摘 要 论文摘要:本文介绍了挖孔灌注桩方案的确定、施工及施工中一些问题处理方法。以及挖孔灌注桩施工中应采取的安全措施。 采用人工挖孔灌注桩做基础,具有机具设备简单,施工操作方便,占用施工场地小,对周围建筑物影响小,施工质量可靠,可全面展开施工,缩短工期,造价低等优点。因此得到广泛应用。人工挖孔桩虽具备很多优点,但也受到多种因素制约,不是所有地质条件及设计桩基都适用。人工挖孔灌注桩适用于土质较好、地下水位较低的黏土、亚黏土、含少量砂卵石的黏土层。可用于高层建筑、公用建筑、水工建筑做桩基,作支承、抗滑、挡土之用。对软土、流砂、地下水位较高、涌水量大的土层不宜采用。 在人工挖孔桩施工前必须认真研究设计图纸,看清桩基地质条件。符合人工挖孔桩条件一般为:地质情况良好,无流沙、无丰富地下水,桩长不宜大于20米,孔径不小于1.2米。 Abstract Abstract abstract: this paper introduced the scheme, construction of digging hole pouring pile and problems in construction of processing methods. Construction of digging hole pouring pile on security measures. Application of manual holing pouring pile foundation, has simple equipment, construction of convenient operation, occupy the construction site is small, little influence on surrounding buildings, construction quality, construction can be started, to shorten the duration, low cost. So widely. Artificial Dig-hole pile with a lot of advantages, but also by a variety of factors, not applicable for all geological condition and design of pile. Application of manual holing pouring pile in the soil, groundwater well lower clay, and clay, clay layer containing a small amount of sand and gravel. Can be used for high-rise buildings, public buildings, hydraulic structures do pile, used as a support, skid resistance, retaining. On soft soil, sand, high water table and water gushing stratum would be unacceptable. In manual hole digging pile construction design drawing must be carefully studied before, see the geological conditions of pile. Meet the artificial Dig-hole pile conditions generally: good geological conditions, free of quick


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