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Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)India Have you ever seen a piece of amber? Do you know what they are made of ? Listen to the text and discuss the main idea of each paragraph. Creation Paragraph 1: ____________of the Amber Room. Paragraph 2-3: __________ of the Amber Room. Paragraph 4: ____________ of the Amber Room. Paragraph 5: _______________of the Amber Room. Read quickly and find out characters ,years , and places in the passage. What did these people do to the Amber Room? What did Peter the Great do after he received the gift? Prussia Can you imagine a house made of amber ? It is said that the amber room is worth____________________ dollars. 100-250 million (1亿-2.5亿) How much does it cost? 1709年,生性豪奢的普鲁士国王腓特烈一世命令当时普鲁士最有名的建筑师安·休鲁达和戈·德恩着手兴建“琥珀屋”(Amber Room)。完成后的琥珀屋面积约55平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的12块护壁镶板和12个柱脚,其上饰有银箔,可任意拼装成各种形状。在当时,琥珀的价值为黄金的13倍,因此“琥珀屋”无论从材料的贵重程度还是工艺水平来说都堪称稀世奇珍,曾有“世界第八奇迹”之誉。 为了向俄国示好,加强两国间的军事同盟关系,腓特烈一世在1716年决定将琥珀屋赠予俄国的彼得大帝。1717年,琥珀屋被运抵俄国的圣彼得堡。后来,这座估计价值1亿5千万英镑的艺术珍品又被运到了圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名为普希金城)的凯瑟琳宫。 德国入侵前苏联后,凯瑟琳宫的工匠曾打算用纱和假墙纸把琥珀屋遮盖起来。不过,攻占皇宫的德军识破了伪装,将琥珀屋拆开运到了德国。人们知道德国人曾把琥珀屋收藏在东普鲁士的哥尼斯堡,但自那以后就再也没有人清楚它的下落。60年来,人们有过各种各样的揣测,寻找,却始终不见其踪影。充满传奇色彩的琥珀屋成了全世界最重要的失踪艺术品之一 琥 珀 屋 The Amber Room In search of the Amber Room History Disappearance Rebuilding characters years places 1 2 3 Fast reading Frederick WilliamⅠ Peter the Great Czar CatherineⅡ FrederickⅠ FrederickⅠ Frederick WilliamⅠ pass down Peter the Great Czar give as a gift Frederick William I Peter the Great In return pass down stole FrederickⅠ Frederick WilliamⅠ Peter the Great Czar CatherineⅡ Nazi 1716 1770 1941 2003 Frederick WilliamⅠ gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift. Catherine Ⅱhad completed the adding to the Amber room The Nazi German army stole the Amber Room The rebuilding of the Amber Room was completed. years * Period 1 1.a long history 2.the symbol(标志) of China and its culture 3.used for protecting our country 4.A man who has never been there is


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