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摘要 高空作业车主要应用于路灯、电力、交通、高速公路、造船修船、通信、建筑、园林、广告、机场、港口、有线电视等行业,使用面广、作业效率高、安全方便,拥有巨大的市场潜力。本课题主要是对其上车部分进行理论分析、计算并进行结构设计 Abstract The aerial platform vehicle sends high rise operation personnel and the tool of the necessity to the air, and provide the staff member with the high rise operation amenity machine.The derrick is a kind of machine that cans be perpendicular in the certain scope to rise to rise to move a product with level, the action by fits and starts and the homework circulation are the characteristicses of the derrick work, can press the main use and the structure characteristic classification. It is widely used, efficient, safe and convenient. It has a great potential in the market. This article mainly finished the theoretical analysis, calculation and structure design . Aerial Work Platform is composed by two manipulators ,after reasonably determining some of its basic dimensions, making its force analysis according to theoretical mechanics, I use material mechanics knowledge to make its strength check, and decide the other dimensions. According to load conditions, I choose hydraulic components, design hydraulic system. Make use of the drawing software such as Pro - e, CAD, to paint parts graphs and assembly drawings. Keywords:jack mechanism; Strength check;Hydraulic system; fluid cylinder 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1高空作业车简介 1 1.2 课题的来源和意义 2 1.3 国内外的发展状况 2 1.4 课题研究内容 5 2 折叠机构工作原理和计算分析 6 2.1折叠机构组成 6 2.2 机构工作原理确定 6 2.3 结构尺寸的确定 7 2.3.1曲臂的受力分析 7 2.3.2 参数的确定 9 2.4可靠性分析 9 2.4.1臂L强度校核 11 2.4.2臂L强度校核 13 2.4.3铰接旋转轴的强度校核 16 3 行走底盘动力分析 17 3.1非工作状态下底盘设计计算 17 3.2工作状态下底盘设计计算 18 3.3轴荷分配 19 4 液压系统的设计 21 4.1 液压系统的构成 21 4.2液压系统设计概述 21 4.3 设计依据 22 4.4 主要机构简述 22 4.5 主要工作机构液压回路的设计 23 4.6上臂油缸的设计 25 4.6.1 确定液压缸类型和安装方式 25 4.6.2 确定液压缸的主要性能参数和主要尺寸 25 4.7下臂油缸的设计计算 30 4.7.1 确定液压缸类型和安装方式 30 4.7.2确定液压缸的主要性能参数和主要尺寸 30 结论 36 致谢 37 参考文献 38 1 绪论 1.1高空作业车简介 高空作业车作为一种工程机械设备,目前广泛应用在船舶、建筑、市政建设、消防、港口等行业,有着广阔的发展前景。现今,高空作业车已发展到其作业高度最高已到达72m(BRONTO公司生产),且作业车的可靠性、安全性、舒适性、操作方便和简单的直接性等方面都有较大提高。高空作业车大体有折叠臂、伸缩


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