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毕 业 论 文(设计) 论文图纸Qq:2245969237 题 目: 收获机的设计 姓 名: 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 年月日 摘 要 I Abstract II 1绪论 1 1.1选题目的与意义 1 1.2国内外发展概况 1 2 2大豆联合收割机的总体设计 3 2.1整机结构 3 2.2大豆联合收割机的总体布置 3 2.3确定整体参数 4 2.4确定大豆联合机的功率消耗及发动机选择 7 2.5传动装置的设计 8 3各工作部件的设计 10 3.1切割器 10 3.拨禾轮 10 3.拨指、螺旋推运器 12 3.中间输送装置 13 3.脱粒滚筒 13 3.分离装置 14 3.清选装置 16 3.联合收割机底盘 18 4 设计 22 4.1 传动设计 22 4.2 轴的设计 26 总结 29 参考文献 30 致谢 31 大豆收获机的设计 摘 要 目前国内大豆联合收割机多由小麦机改装而成,由于大豆植株特性与小麦植株特性有一定差异,使得运用后的机收获大豆损失率较高。设计大豆联合收获类机械,可连续完成大豆的切割、脱粒及清选工作。该机根据大豆植株的生长特性带有中间喂入轮的双滚筒脱粒装置,先钉齿滚筒,由滚筒相对的冲击速度及凹板间的将绝大部分谷粒脱净,然后进入纹杆滚筒,对作物再次进行速度冲击,确保作物脱粒干净,好地了大豆收获损失率丘陵、山地等难收获的问题。本设计采取自走式、全喂入、双滚筒脱粒装置收获大豆,具备损伤率低,损失率低,清选性好的优势。 关键词:切割装置;脱粒装置;清选装置 Design f Soybean Harvester Student majoring in mechanical engineering and autom Tutor Abstract At present domestic soybean combine multiple by wheat combine harvester modification and, due to the soybean plant characteristics and wheat plant properties have some differences, making use modified combine soybean harvest loss rate is higher. The design requirements is designed to fit in the soybean harvest harvester machinery, which can continuously complete soybean cutting, threshing and cleaning work.The machine according to the growth characteristics of soybean plants with low cut flexible cutting device, and the use of double drum device with intermediate wheel, a first cylinder for spiked drum, strike and rub the Beanstalk, second cylinder for rasp bar cylinder, two hit the Beanstalk, ensure full threshing, to the Selection, better solves the soybean harvest loss rates are high, as well as the reaper in the hills, mountain difficult to harvest problem. The machine by self-propelled, feeding, double drum reaping and threshing device, with the clean threshing, low broken rate, the loss rate is


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