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毕业论文(设计)题目汇总(2011届) 英语课堂中教师语言的语用分析 A Pragmatic Analysis on Teacher Talk in English Class 英汉习语的文化因素及其翻译策略 The Culture Factors in English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation Strategies 交际法在中国中学英语课堂的应用The Application of Communicative Approach in English Class of Middle School in china 论中国式英语的未来发展趋势 On the Characteristics and Trend of China English 简析简爱的性格局限性 Brief Analysis of the Limitations of Jane Eyres Character 从功能对等角度研究英文电影名的汉译 A Study of English-Chinese Translations of Movie Titles from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence 帮助ESL学生成为更好的听力者:浅谈图式理论在英语教学中的应用 Helping ESL Students Become Better Listeners: On the Application of Schema Theory in English Teaching 艾米莉.迪金森诗歌《我不能停下来等待死亡》中的死亡意象 An Analysis of Death Image in Emily Dickinsons poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death 城市公示语的翻译原则与技巧 A study of the principle and technique on the public signs translation 从跨文化交际角度看英汉日常交际语之异同 A Comparative Study of Daily Communication Discourse in Chinese and English -----From the Perspective of Cross Cultural communication 浅论广告英语的翻译策略 On the Translation Strategy of Advertising English 形象记忆法在英语教学中的作用 The Function of Imaginative Memory Method in English Teaching 语块教学法在中学英语口语教学中的应用The Application of Lexical Approach to Middle School Spoken English Teaching 英语歧义现象分析 An Analysis of English Ambiguity 学习者个体差异对小学英语教学的影响 The Influence of Learners’ Variety on the Teaching of English in Primary School 二语语音习得与年龄因素研究综述 Age Factor and English Phonological Ability of Second Language Learners. A Review 英汉店铺名称的语言文化解读 The Linguistic and Cultural Interpretation of English and Chinese Shop Names 从嘉莉妹妹看德莱赛的女性观 A feminist reading of Sister Carrie, Dreiser’s view of womanhood 浅析《卧虎藏龙》英译对白中文化意像的翻译策略On Strategies For Cultural Images in the English Version of Dialogues in the Film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 英汉委婉语的语用特点及其交际功能 Pragmatic Characteristics of English Euphemism and its Communication Functions 浅析《阿甘正传》中珍妮角色的隐射 A Brief Anal


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