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惠州学院 HUIZHOU UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 中文题目: 汽油中硫醇硫的测定及其影响因素的探讨 (电位滴定法) 英文题目: Discussion on Determination of Mercaptan sulfur in Gasoline and its Influencing factors (Potentiometric titration method) 姓 名 袁志勇 学 号 090602130 专业班级 化学工程与工艺1班 指导教师 梁浩 提交日期 2013-3-25 教务处 汽油中硫醇硫的测定及其影响因素的探讨 (电位滴定法) 作者:袁志勇 09级化学工程与工艺1班 指导教师:梁浩 (副教授) 【摘要】硫醇硫是石油馏分燃油中具有腐蚀活性的一类含硫化合物。馏分燃油中的硫醇硫含量多少是其使用性能的基本指标之一,其测定对评价燃油对燃料系统零件及发动机本身的腐蚀,对橡胶部件的不良影响,以及对环境的污染等具有重要的意义。为此在汽油的标准中,硫醇硫的含量一直是汽油产品检测的一项重要指标。但由于汽油成份复杂,在实际测定中,总受到许多不定因素的影响,出现了电位波动较大,滴定终点电位突跃不明显等现象。 【关键词】汽油;硫醇硫;电位滴定;影响因素 Discussion on Determination of Mercaptan sulfur in Gasoline and its Influencing factors (Potentiometric titration method) Author: Yuan Zhiyong Chemical Engineering and Technology Class 1,Grade 09 Instructor: Liang Hao (Associate Professor) 【Abstract】 The mercaptan sulfur is a kind of sulfur compounds with corrosion activity in petroleum distillate fuel oil. The number of mercaptan sulfur content in distillate fuel is one of the basic indicators of its performance, its measurement for evaluating the fuel corrosion for fuel system components and the engine itself, adverse effects on rubber parts, and the pollution of the environment is of great significance. Therefore in the gasoline standard, content of mercaptan an important index of gasoline product detection. But due to the complex gasoline composition, in the actual measurement, is always affected by many uncertain factors, so that the electric potential fluctuates greatly, the end point of titration potential jump is not obvious phenomenon. In this paper, the determination of mercaptan factors such as titrant concentration, sample dosage and titration agent dosage, electrode sensitivity are studied, results show that the conclusion.. 【Key Words】 Gasoline ; Mercaptan ; Potentiometric titration ; Influencing factors 目录1. 前言 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 硫醇的简介 4 1.2.1 硫醇的结构和成键 4 1.2.2 硫醇的物理性质 4 1.2.3 硫醇的化学性质 5 1.3 论文


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