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题 目 非标电气成套设备生产中的工时定额管理方法研究
摘 要
本文以电气成套设备行业的定制生产模式和传统工时定额方法研究为基础,结合模块化方法,应用ACE软件构建了从产品设计定制期开始计算产品所需工时,并应用项目管理的方法进行优化,制定出ACE工时定额管理方法。该方法以定制型生产为研究的切入点,以工时模块和虚拟工时模块作为工时定额单位,以软件完成产品设计后自动统计为工时定额计算手段,并根据实际生产环境下的应用情况,设置参数和调整虚拟模块,以达到更加贴近生产实际应用的目的最后,以M企业为例,按照ACE工时定额管理方法实施流程,对某非标定制产品项目进行实际应用,测算产品各个模块的工时定额,计算出最终产品的工时定额。另外,按项目管理的方法,根据不同的模块所需的工时,对生产进度编排,生产资源负荷等方面进行合理安排。完成以上计算和优化后,同原生产管理流程进行对比,验证ACE工时定额管理方法的有效性。equipments manufactory
Project management
Graduate Student:Sunny yan Supervisor:Peiyu Ren,Hui Xiang
With the development of machinery manufacturing industry and the wide application of computer technology, in order to meet the requirements of high precision and high efficiency, the market demand, which makes the development of manufacturing process information management. Time quota management information is an important basis for the enterprise to organize production, accounting and cost control, and it is one of the important parts of the enterprise to realize the design and manufacture information integration.
In this paper, the ACE software is used to construct the ACE time quota management method, which is based on the electric equipment industrys customized production mode and the traditional man hour quota method. The method takes time and virtual work as the starting point of the research. The software is used to calculate the time quota of the product design. The parameters are set up according to the actual production environment. Finally, taking M enterprise as an example, according to the ACE time management method, the practical application of a non standard customized product project is carried out, and the working time quota of the product is calculated. In addition, according to the project management method, according to the different modules of th
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