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目 录 摘要 1 1 绪论 1 1.1浮标的发展历程 1 1.2 课题研究的背景及研究内容 2 2 设计要求 2 3 设计过程 3 3.1尺寸选取 3 3.1.1浮标结构 3 3.2受力分析 5 3.3.1惯性力 6 3.3.2摩擦力 7 3.3浮标缆索长度计算 13 3.4 装置的校核 15 3.5 系统建模与仿真分析 17 3.5.1 进行力学仿真分析的意义 17 3.5.2 基于Fluent仿真分析及输出结果 17 3.5.3 输出结果分析 18 4结论 21 谢辞 22 参考文献 22 附录 图 24 浮标重心设计及结构优化 简述了国内外海洋资料浮标技术现状。对比了波浪浮标的方案设计方法,总结优劣。讲述了波浪浮标的历史和发展。对于多功能波浪浮标装置分别从系统组成、技术指标、浮标体及系留的设计、自摇周期、结构设计进行分类及阐述优缺点。列举了国内外经典波浪浮标装置,简单讨论了其参数、原理、优缺点等情况。最后总结提出应开发多功能波浪浮标的装置来应对现今的海洋信息收集问题的观点。本文介绍了浮标重心设计及结构优化的方案、结构、尺寸和材料,并用Solid Works软件对该装置进行了三维建模,用Gambit软件进行网格划分,用Fluent软件进行流体力学仿真,用Tecplot360软件进行数据分析,分析了浮标在流体中的受力和碰撞,以对浮标重心位置和结构进行进一步改进。 浮标;重心;结构;设计;优化 Design and structure optimization of buoy Center Brief description of ocean data buoys technology at home and abroad. Compares the design of wave buoys, summed up the pros and cons. Describes the history and development of wave buoys. For multifunction device from wave buoy system, technical specifications, and moored buoy design, shaking cycle, classification of structural design and explain the advantages and disadvantages. Gives the classic wave buoy unit at home and abroad, briefly discuss the principle, advantages and disadvantages of its parameters, and so on. Finally summarizing proposed to develop all-wave buoy device to respond to present day ocean views on the information collection. This describes has buoy gravity design and the structure optimization of programmes, and structure, and size and material, and Solid Works software on the device for has three dimensional built die, with Gambit software for network grid Division, with Fluent software for fluid mechanics simulation, with Tecplot360 software for data analysis, analysis has buoy in fluid in the of by force and collision, to on buoy gravity location and structure for further improved.


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