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本科毕业论文 题 目: 民办院校与公办院校本科护生实习后期 焦虑状况与对策探讨 学 院: 护理学院 专 业: 护理学 班 级: 2012级01班 姓 名: 黎雄艺 学 号: 201206297 指导老师: 完成时间: 摘 要 目的:探讨本科护生实习后期的焦虑状况及应对方法,帮助本科护生充分认识实习期间的各种可能导致焦虑状况的因素,为缓解护生焦虑提供方法和依据,帮助护生完成从实习护生到临床护士的平稳过渡。 方法:实习后期对32名民办院校和41名公办院校的本科实习护生进行焦虑自评量表(SAS)测试,运用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析与处理,运用了统计学方法进行分析。 结果:民办院校和公办院校本科护生焦虑检出率分别是6.25%和2.38%,两组比较,P0.05,差异无统计学意义。 结论:实习对本科护生的焦虑影响程度不大,护生在实习期间基本上能调节好心理状。 关键词:本科护生;实习后期;民办院校;公办院校;焦虑 ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the undergraduate nursing students practice later anxiety and coping methods help undergraduate nursing students fully understand the internship probably leads to anxiety factors, to ease the nurse students anxiety can provide method and basis to help nursing students from nursing students to clinical nurses of a smooth transition. Methods: At the late period of practice of 32 private colleges and 41 Public Colleges and universities of undergraduate nursing students anxiety self rating scale (SAS) test, using SPSS17.0 software for statistical analysis and processing, using the statistical method to carry on the analysis. Results: The rate of anxiety of undergraduate nursing students in private colleges and public universities was 6.25% and 2.38%, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant between the two groups, P0.05. Conclusion: The undergraduate nursing students anxiety image is not good, and the nursing students can adjust the psychological state of the nursing students during the internship period. Key words: undergraduate nursing students; post practice; private colleges; public schools; anxiety 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 护生实习后期焦虑状况的国内外研究现状 1 1.2 研究目的 2 2 研究对象与方法 2 2.1研究对象 2 2.2 研究方法 2 2.3统计学方法 3 3 结果 3 3.1两种院校本科护生实习后期焦虑检出率比较 3 3.2 影响本科护生实习后期焦虑状况的因素 4 4 讨论 4 4.1实习后期本科护生焦虑状况 4 4.2压力源分析 5 4.3对策探讨 6 4.4 有待探讨的问题 7 5 结论 7 附录 8 参考文献 11 致 谢 13 1 引言 实践是检验真理的唯一标准,临床实习既是书本理论知识的检验过程,也是本科护生成为合格护士的必经阶段。因为就业困难、护士资格证考试、毕业论文撰写、工作过于辛苦、恋爱等种种压力的影响,本科护生实习后期容易产


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