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分类号 密级 —(宋体小五号) UDC 毕 业 论 文 基于Android数独游戏开发界面设计 系 、中心 信息工程系 基于android数独游戏开发界面设计 摘要 随着android系统的出现和流行,越来越多的手机用户将目光转向android系统,android系统是一种以Linux为基础的开放源代码的操作系统。 Android的系统架构和其它操作系统一样,采用了分层的架构,android分为四层,从高层到低层分别是应用程序层、应用程序框架层、系统运行库层和linux核心层。本论文主要阐述了以面向对象的程序开发语言,以eclipse为开发工具,基于GOOGLE的android系统开发一款数独游戏,并侧重于游戏的界面设计,并将程序设计过程中所用到的方法和控件也详加了说明。 数独是一种运用纸、笔进行演算的逻辑游戏。玩家需要根据9X9盘面上的已知数字,推理出所有剩余空格的数字,并满足每一行、每一列、每一个粗线宫内的数字均含1-9,且不重复。每一道合格的数独谜题都有且仅有一个唯一答案,推理方法也以此为基础,任何无解或者多解的题目都是不合格的。本程序实现了重新出题,重新做题,提供题目答案,选关,难度选择和退出等一系列功能。 关键词:数独;android;android游戏 Based on Android Sudoku Games Development Interface Design Abstract With the appearance and popular of the android system , more and more mobile phone users turning to the android system, the android system is a Linux-based open source operating system. As the other operating systems, android also use a layered architecture,the android is divided into four layers from the top to the lower: the application layer,application framework layer, system layer of the runtime and the Linux kernel layer. This thesis describes the development of Sudoku game using object-oriented programming language,and the eclipse as a development tool, based on the Google android system to develop. Sudoku is a logic games using paper, pens to calculus. Known figures on 9X9 disk players need to infer the number of all the remaining spaces, and meet each row and each column. Every grid inclusive of 1-9, and do not repeat. Each qualified Sudoku puzzle has only one unique answer, and it is also the basis of the inference method , any no solution or multiple solutions for the subject are not allow.This program realize Program questions, re-do the questions, answer, difficulty choice ,exit and so on. Key words: Sudoku; android;android game 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论



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