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毕业设计(论文) 课题:热水锅炉单片机温度控 制系统 学 院      专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导老师 二零一三年六月一日 摘 要 本篇论文主要对热水锅炉单片机温度控制系统进行研究,该系统能对电热水锅炉的水温、水位等信息进行控制,解决了传统燃煤锅炉安全性低,污染严重,效益不高等问题,设计经济环保,可行性很大。 该设计选用Atmel 公司生产的AT89S52单片机为主控芯片,锅炉单片机温度控制系统主要包括:锅炉水温采集、锅炉水位监测、水温及水位超限报警、键盘输入、温度显示以及单片机控制六个部分。在温度采集上选用高精度数字温度传感器DS18B20温度传感器监测锅炉的实时水温 ,同时采用了LCD1602小液晶作为显示模块,亮度高,清晰度好,耗能低。另外系统还增加了水温、水位超限报警模块,增加了系统的安全性能。在软件设计上,本设计采用了模块化的编程思想,软件部分主要包括:主程序,键盘子程序,温度信号处理程序及液晶显示程序等,模块化的编程让程序思路清晰,易于调试。 关键词:AT89S52 ,温度控制,DS18B20,LCD1602,热水锅炉 Abstract This paper take the SCM boiler temperature control system as a main research object, this system can to the Electric hot water boiler temperature and water level of the full automation control.It is Economic and environmental for it solved the shortage of traditianal hot water boiler,the main weaknesses of traditianal hot boiler are poor efficiency , Severe pollution and dangerous. This system take the AT89S52 SCM as main control chip which is produced by the atmel company,the paper mainly including six parts: temperature detection part, water level detection part, water level control part, Water temperature and water level overrun alarm part,Keyboard input part,Temperature display part and MCU control part. In this paper we use the high precision digital temperature transducer as temperature detector and at the same time we choose the LCD1602 as the temperature display part which have many advantages such as highlight,Low energy consumption and so on.bisides this system is more safety because of the additional Water temperature and water level overrun alarm part. In the software design sides,this system followed the thought of Modular programming, contains master program ,


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