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` Fountain is a symbol of power. The Romans had a beautiful legend, just back from shoulder above cast a fountain pool coin into, would have the opportunity to visit to Rome again. Many tourists in a fountain lined up to go toward inside coin was fascinated by the city of proof. Fountain, the LeiWei (name of Trevi) is three roads mean, because fountain front have three roads extends outward, also is the origin of the name, fountain. 喷泉由在教皇克雷芒十二世主办的喷泉大奖赛中得胜的尼科洛·萨尔维设计,巧妙地用借景手法将背后的宫殿借来,使得海神尼普顿和特里托内充满生气。1762年完成。通往喷泉的道路很窄,比较难分辨 Milan Cathedral(米兰大教堂) * 绿色 = 希望 白色 = 信念 红色 = 仁慈 以食物代表为: 绿色 = 罗勒 白色 = 莫扎瑞拉起士 红色 = 番茄 绿色=米兰公国的旗帜,其图象为绿底加双头蛇标志。 白色=西西里王国,其图象为白底加西西里三曲腿标志。 红色=威尼斯城邦,其图象为红底加圣马可狮标志。 其标志也表示为三个王国统一的意大利王国 Why we choose to travel to Italy? Italy is a modern, developed nation. It is fashion in style, it leads the way with each seasons fashions. But it is also a country which is full of great culture. Italys foods is famous around the world.  Venice is a magical place. It is one of a few cities in the world where the noises of cars are never heard because cars are not allowed. Instead, when it is quiet, one can hear the sound of waves rushing against the city’s great old buildings.   威尼斯是一个神奇的地方。它是世界上少数几个听不到汽车声音的城市之一,因为在那里汽车处于禁止之列。在取而代之的宁静中,你可以听到水浪拍打着城市里伟大的古代建筑。 Venice is located in a lake in the Adriatic Sea(亚得里亚海) and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges. Ven-ice’s most famous vehicles are gondolas(冈朵拉), which move slowly through the city’s famous rivers as the men driving the boats. Sitting in gondolas, passengers can hear artists singing Italy songs when they enjoy the beautiful scenery of Venice.   威尼斯坐落于亚得里亚海的泻湖之上,由400多座桥梁连接而成。威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是冈朵拉,船夫驾驶冈朵拉时,小舟就慢慢地在城里那些著名的河流间漂流而下。坐在冈朵拉上面,乘客可以一边欣赏威尼斯美丽的风景,一边听艺人们演奏意大利歌曲。   圣马可广场和圣马可教堂 。圣马可大教堂据说是因埋葬了耶稣门徒(使徒)圣马可而得名:圣马可广场,圣马可大教堂,威尼斯随处可见这位显赫的圣马可 圣马可大教堂融合了东、西方的建筑特色,它原为一座拜占庭式建筑,15世纪加入了哥特式的装饰,如尖拱门等;17世纪又加入了文艺复兴时期的装饰,如栏杆等。从外观上,它的五座圆顶据说是来自土耳其伊斯坦堡的圣索菲亚教堂;正面的华丽装饰是源自拜占庭的风格;而整座教堂的结构又呈现出希腊式


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