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摘要 农药阿特拉津在世界范围内已经使用了近50年,目前还是应用最广泛的除草剂之一。由于莠去津在环境中残留期较长并具有生物蓄积性,故其对生态环境和人体健康造成的影响具有全球性,已经引起人们的广泛关注。 本研究以活性炭为载体,以绿茶茶多酚为还原剂制备,并利用SEM和XPS表征。以阿特拉津溶液为目标降解物,研究阿特拉津初始浓度、活性炭载体的投放量、pH值、反应时间对其的影响,并探讨阿特拉津的降解反应动力学。结果表明:在活性炭对阿特拉津有一定的吸附作用,通过对比试验,确定纳米铁对阿特拉津降解效果显著;随着阿特拉津初始浓度的减小,其逐渐增大,本研究中初始浓度为1mg/L时,达到最大值,为为34.44%;随着活性炭载体投放量的增加,阿特拉津先增加后减小,当投放量为4g时阿特拉津的达到最大值,为25.73%;酸性条件下,阿特拉津的较高,当pH为3时最大,达到34.48%。;随着反应时间增加,阿特拉津的快速增加,当反应时间30min时,增加速度减缓;根据动力学研究,确定阿特拉津的降解遵循二级反应动力学。 关键词:纳米铁活性炭载体阿特拉津动力学 Abstract Atrazine has been used for fifty years and it’s extensively used pesticide in the world. Atrazine is very persistent in the environment; in addition, its biological accumulation also has potential threat to the human and ecosystem. Atrazine has global influence to the people’s health and ecological environment, which has been widely attracted people’s attention. In this study, active carbon as the carrier, nano zero valent iron/active carbon composites modified by using green tea polyphenols as redactor, and characterized by SEM and XPS.With Atrazine as simulated wastewater treatment object, the initial concentration of Atrazine, the desorption quantity of active carbon,pH value, reaction time on its degradatiol rate, and Atrazine degradation reaction kinetics are discussed. The results show that active carbon has certain adsorption to the Atrazine,the nano zero valent iron to Atrazine degradation effect is remarkable through contrast test.With the decrease sofinitial concentration of Atrazine, degradation rate of Atrazine increase, when the initial concentration of Atrazine to 1mg/L, reach maximum degradation rate, 34.44%; with the increase of active carbon, Atrazine to remove first increase then decreases,when the supply is 4g reach maximum the degradation rate of Atrazine, 25.73%; The acid condition, the degradation rate of Atrazine is higher, when pH 3 degradation rate reached 34.48%; With the increase of reaction time, degradation rate of Atrazine increase rapidly, when th



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