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Beijing Opera Warming up: 1Do you like to watch Beijing Opera? 那一天爷爷领我去把京戏看 看见那舞台上面好多大花脸 红白黄绿蓝颜色油的脸 一边唱一边喊 哇呀呀呀呀 好象炸雷其实大家就像在耳边 蓝脸的多尔礅盗玉马 红脸的关公战长沙 黄脸的典韦白脸的曹操 黑脸的张飞叫喳喳…… 喳喳哇…… 说实话京剧脸谱本来确实挺好看 可唱的说的全是方言怎么听也不懂 慢慢腾腾咿咿呀呀哼上老半天 乐队伴奏一听光是锣鼓家伙 咙个哩个三大件 这怎么能够跟上时代跟上潮流 吸引当代小青年 紫色的天王托宝塔 绿色的魔鬼斗夜叉 金色的猴王银色的妖怪 灰色的精灵笑哈哈…… 好哇哇…… 我爷爷生气说我纯粹这是瞎捣乱 多没的精彩艺术中华瑰宝 就连外国人也拍手叫好 一个劲的来称赞 声带气候唱点做打手眼身法功夫真是不简单 你不懂戏曲胡说八道 气的爷爷胡子直往脸上翻 老爷爷你别生气 允许我生脸 就算是山珍海味老吃也会烦 艺术与时代不能离太远 要创新要发展 哇呀呀…… 让那老的少的男的女的大家都爱看 民族艺程一代一代往下传 一幅幅鲜明的鸳鸯瓦 一群群生动的活菩萨 一地地钩庙一点点夸大 一张张脸谱美佳佳…… 哇哈哈…… 2 What can you think of when talking about Beijing Opera? costumes beautiful headwears 头饰 sheng生 dan旦 jing净 chou丑 mask(面具)/painted-faces 3Can you tell me some famous actors in Beijing Opera? Mei Lanfang a well –known Beijing Opera master, his performance brought him international attention. 谭鑫培 Tanxinpei Yangxiaolou 杨小楼 Fast-reading Read Para.12 1 When did Beijing Opera originated? 2 Why did the four opera groups from Anhui come to Beijing? In the late 18th century They came to Beijing by order of the emperor. Fast-reading Read Para.3 1 Beijing Opera combines _____, _______, _______, ________ and __________ 2 What are the themes of Beijing Opera? Disasters , love stories and life in the royal palace. singing dialogue acrobatics kungfu pantomime Fast-reading Read Para.4,5,67 How many types of roles in Beijing Opera?What are they ? Four. Sheng , Dan , Jing , Chou Fast-reading Read Para.8,910 1 _________ is very important in Beijing Opera. 2 Can you tell me some famous permormers or actors? Tan xinpei, Yang xiaolou , Zhou xinfang, Mei lanfang and Shang xiaoyun. Symbolism Careful-reading Read this passage again,and then tell whether the following statements are true or false. 1 Beijing Opera has something to do with the opera of the West. 2 In 1790 four opera groups from Anhui Province came to


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